HiPure zirkulierendes DNA-Kit


Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

DTE ist eine in China ansässige E-Commerce-Plattform, die sich auf den Online-Verkauf von molekularen Tests spezialisiert hat, ELISA, und verwandte Produkte.

  • Hersteller: Führende chinesische Marken
  • Versand: Beschleunigter FedEx-Versand direkt aus den Fabriken
  • Rückgabe oder Umtausch innerhalb von möglich 30 Tage
  • Zahlungsarten: Sicheres PayPal oder Kreditkarte.



  • Target: Short DNA fragments (<1000bp) in the blood (tumor markers, fetal DNA) or urine.
  • Efficiency: Purifies circulating nucleic acids from human biofluids (Plasma, Serum, urine).
  • Anwendungen: Extracted DNA is suitable for approved clinical diagnostic tests.


  • Optimized for short DNA analysis.
  • Works with various human fluids.
  • A larger format processes more samples (potentially higher DNA yield).
  • Directly usable in clinical tests.

This Midi Kit empowers researchers and clinical labs for applications in oncology, NIPT, and liquid biopsies.


HauptfunktionenIsolation circulating DNA from 1-5ml plasma, Serum, and body fluids using vacuum protocol
AnwendungenqPCR, liquid or solid chip analysis, hybridization SNP detection, usw.
ReinigungsmethodeMini Spin-Säule
ProzessmethodeHandbuch (vacuum)
BeispielstypSerum, Plasma, and other cell-free fluid samples
Zeit pro Lauf≤60 minutes
Flüssigkeitstransportvolumen pro Säule4ml
Bindungsausbeute der Säule1mg


This product offers a streamlined method for isolating DNA using silica column technology:

  1. Lysis and Digestion: The sample undergoes treatment with a special solution (lysate) and an enzyme (protease) to break open cells and degrade proteins, releasing DNA into the lysate.
  2. Binding to Silica: The lysate containing the DNA is transferred to a silica column. The silica membrane in the column selectively binds DNA molecules due to favorable interactions, while proteins and other impurities pass through.
  3. Waschen: Wash buffers are passed through the column, removing unbound proteins and cellular debris that didn’t adhere to the silica.
  4. Elution: A low-salt buffer is used to elute (freigeben) the purified DNA from the silica membrane. This disrupts the interaction between DNA and the silica, allowing the collection of purified DNA in a separate tube.

Key Advantages:

  • Efficient Purification: Silica column technology offers a fast and reliable process for isolating DNA from complex biological samples.
  • High-Purity DNA: The selective binding properties of the silica membrane ensure the purification of high-quality DNA, suitable for various downstream applications (PCR, usw.).
  • Vereinfachter Arbeitsablauf: The protocol involves minimal handling steps and centrifugation for user-friendly and efficient extraction.

This method provides a valuable tool for researchers working in various fields that require purified DNA for analysis.


  • Hohe Ausbeute – most optimal process, free DNA (>50bp) can be obtained to the maximum extent
  • High concentrationlow elution volume, ensuring high nucleic acid concentration
  • Hohe Reinheit – low alcohol binding method, completely removing inhibitor and protein pollution
  • High recoveryDNA can be recovered at the level of PG by silica gel column purification

Inhalt des Kits

Buffer ACL250 ml
Buffer ACB*300 ml
Buffer DCW1*22 ml
Buffer DCW2*10 ml
Proteinase K540 mg
Protease-Auflösungspuffer30 ml
Träger-RNA110 μg
Nuclease Free Water20 ml
HiPure CFDNA Mini Columns50
2 ml-Sammelröhrchen100
Extender Tube50

Lagerung und Stabilität

  • Proteinase K & RNA Carrier: Fridge (2-8°C) for best results.
  • Other Kit Components: Zimmertemperatur (15-25°C) is good.
  • Storing Cold? Warm buffers up before use.


Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht0.7 kg

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