MagPure Total RNA Kit


Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

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  • Hersteller: Führende chinesische Marken
  • Versand: Beschleunigter FedEx-Versand direkt aus den Fabriken
  • Rückgabe oder Umtausch innerhalb von möglich 30 Tage
  • Zahlungsarten: Sicheres PayPal oder Kreditkarte.


This product supplies a simple and rapid extraction of total RNA from tissue and culture cells samples. The kit is based on superparamagnetic particles purification technology, no phenol-chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation. The whole extraction processis only 60 Protokoll. Purified RNA is ready for downstream applications such as RT-PCR, virus RNA testing and so on. MagPure LQ Kit buffers can be used for both manual extraction process and automatic nucleic acid extraction machines.



HauptfunktionenIsolation total RNA from tissue and cells and plant
AnwendungenRT-PCR, cDNA-Synthese, second generation sequencing
ReinigungsmethodePolydisperse Magnetperlen
ProzessmethodeManuell oder automatisch
Adaptives InstrumentNucleic acid extractor, pipetting workstation
BeispielstypAnimal tissue, human tissue, cultured cells, Lymphozyten, ordinary plant tissue
ProbenmengeCells: 1 X 107

Animal tissue: ≤20mg

Plant tissue: ≤100mg

Yeast cell: ≤5 x 106



The Kit combines the speed and efficiency of silica-based technology with the convenient handling of magnetic particles for purification of total RNA. Samples are lysed and RNA is purified from lysates in one step through its binding to the silica surface of the particles in the presence of a chaotropic salt. The particles are separated from the lysates using a magnet and DNA is removed by treatment with RNase-free DNase. The magnetic particles are efficiently washed, and RNA is eluted in RNase-free water.


  • Hohe Reinheit – OD 260 / 280 :1.9-2.0, OD 260 / 230 :1.5-2.0
  • Economyless than 50% of the price of Qiagen and other imported products
  • Automaticextraction without manual participation, saving time and effort
  • Universalsuitable for various animal tissues, cultured cells and conventional plant fungal tissues

Inhalt des Kits

Reinigungszeiten48 Vorbereitungen96 Vorbereitungen5 X 96 Vorbereitungen
MagPure RNA Particles1.7 ml4.0 ml18 ml
Proteinase K24 mg50 mg240 mg
Protease-Auflösungspuffer1.8 ml5 ml15 ml
DNase I600 μl2 X 600 μl10 X 600 μl
DNase Buffer30 ml40 ml200 ml
RTL Lysis Buffer40 ml80 ml400 ml
Buffer MCB*18 ml30 ml150 ml
Buffer MW1*44 ml66 ml2 X 220 ml
Puffer RW2*20 ml50 ml2 X 100 ml
RNase-freies Wasser10 ml30 ml120 ml

Lagerung und Stabilität

MagPure RNA Particles and Proteinase K should be stored at 2–8°C upon arrival. DNase I shouldbe stored at -20°C. Jedoch, kurzfristige Lagerung (DNase I up to 1 Wochen, MagPure RNA Particles and Proteinase K up to 8 Wochen) bei Raumtemperatur (15–25°C) hat keinen Einfluss auf ihre Leistung. Die restlichen Kit-Komponenten können bei Raumtemperatur gelagert werden (15–25°C) and are stable for atleast 18 Monate unter diesen Bedingungen.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht0.7 kg

MagPure Total RNA Kit 48 Vorbereitungen, MagPure Total RNA Kit 96 Vorbereitungen, MagPure Total RNA Kit 5 X 96 Vorbereitungen


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