Sanshibio Taq DNA Polymerase (Mg2+ free) 10 x 5000U


Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

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  • Hersteller: Führende chinesische Marken
  • Versand: Beschleunigter FedEx-Versand direkt aus den Fabriken
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Artikel-NrE001B Specifiation:500U/1000U/5000U Storage: Store at -20°C


This product is Taq DNA Polymerase, commonly referred to as Taq enzyme, which is one of the most widely used DNA polymerases. It is expressed in Escherichia coli with the cloned gene of Thermus aquaticus DNA Polymerase and then purified through multiple steps. Der PCR products amplified using this product have an added A base at the 3end, allowing for cloning into T vectors.

Product Features:

Sanshibio Taq DNA Polymerase is an improved and screened Taq DNA polymerase. In addition to the characteristics of the traditional enzyme itself, it also has broader advantages after repeated testing.
First, Sanshibio’s Taq enzyme is equipped with a basic universal buffer, which has a good amplification effect on common plant, animal, microbial, usw. DNA or cDNA; it is compatible with the buffers of most mainstream manufacturers on the market; the modified The enzyme combined with the basic universal buffer can achieve stronger resistance, and can tolerate DNA crude extracts containing a large amount of impurities; it has stronger stability and can tolerate multiple freeze-thaw cycles; for some low-abundance templates, it can be used The amount of enzyme added is reduced, and the amount of magnesium ions is appropriately increased to achieve more sensitive detection.


Taq DNA Polymerase(5U/µL)100µL200µL1ml
dNTP Mixture (10mM jeweils)100µL200µL1ml
10× PCR Buffer (Mg2+ free)


1ml2× 1mL10× 1mL
MgCl2 (25mm)1ml2× 1mL10× 1mL


Store at -20°C, with a minimum shelf life of 12 Monate.

Activity Definition:

Using activated largemouth bass sperm DNA as a template/primer, the intake of 10 nmol of total nucleotides as acid-insoluble material within 30 minutes at 74°C is defined as 1 unit of activity (U).

Quality Control:

This product has undergone quality testing and is free from endonuclease activity, exonuclease activity, and ribonuclease contamination. Residual host genomic DNA is below 10 copies.

Product Usage:

Amplification of DNA using PCR method; DNA sequence determination.

Usage Instructions:

  • Dissolve and mix all required solutions for the PCR reaction and place them on an ice bath or in a cooler. It is recommended to aliquot the PCR reaction mixture to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
  • It is advisable to set up the PCR reaction system on an ice bath or in a cooler, following the recommended reaction system for reference.
  • Excessive template DNA can lead to nonspecific PCR products. Recommended template amounts for different types of templates in a 50µL reaction volume are as follows:

Genomic DNA from Animals and Plants: 0.1-1µg;

Genomic DNA from Escherichia coli: 10-100ng;

Plasmid-DNA: 0.1-10ng.

Recommended Reaction System:

Reagenzien50µL System VolumeFinal Concentration
10× PCR Buffer (Mg2+ free)5µL
MgCl2 (25mm)4µL2mm
dNTP Mixture (10mM jeweils)1µL0.2mM jeweils
Primer I (10µM)1µL0.2µM
Primer II (10µM)1µL0.2µM
Template DNA1µL
ddH2OTo 50µL

Notiz: The amounts of each component in the reaction system can be adjusted according to actual requirements.

  • Thoroughly pipette and mix the prepared reaction system using a pipette, seal the PCR tubes with caps, label them appropriately, and briefly centrifuge at room temperature.
  • Place the prepared PCR tubes into the PCR-Maschine, set the reaction conditions, and initiate the PCR reaction.

Reaction Conditions:

Method/StepsTime settingCycles
95℃ (Pre-denaturation)2-5Mindest1
95℃ (Denaturation)30sec25-35 Cycles
55℃-60℃ (Annealing)30sec
72℃ (Extension)1Mindest
72℃ (Final Extension)10Mindest1

Notiz: Reaction conditions can be adjusted and optimized according to actual requirements.


  1. Extension time can be adjusted based on factors such as the length and GC content of the PCR product. The extension time per kb of the product is closely related to the complexity of the template: simple templates require 20 Sekunden, typical templates require 30 Sekunden, and complex templates require 1 Minute.
  2. The setup of the PCR reaction should be tailored to different conditions such as template, Grundierungen, length of PCR product, and GC content. The final concentration of primers typically falls within the range of 0.1-1.0μM. DNA template concentration can be adjusted accordingly. For complex templates or high GC content, it’s recommended to prolong pre-denaturation/denaturation or extension times and increase denaturation/annealing temperatures.
  3. Use designated areas and pipettes before and after amplification, wear gloves, and change them frequently. After completing the PCR reaction, do not open the reaction tubes immediately. Allow them to cool sufficiently at 4°C or -20°C before opening to minimize the risk of PCR product contamination to the laboratory environment.

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