(1 Kundenbewertung)

Solarbio Glycerol-Malachite Green Stain Solution


Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

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Malachite green is a synthetic dye with CAS No. 569-64-2 and a molecular weight of 364.92. Glycerol—Malachite Green Stain Solution is primarily composed of glycerin, malachite green, and distilled water, used for examining various worm eggs in feces. This reagent is solely for scientific research and is not suitable for clinical diagnosis or other purposes.

Self Provided Materials

Plastic or paper plate, Hydrophilic cellophane

Protokoll (Nur als Referenz)

  1. Pretreatment of cellophane strip: soak cellophane in Glycerol-Malachite Green Stain Solution for at least 24 Std..
  2. Place a small amount of fecal samples on newspaper or small paper, and pressurize fecal samples with a filter screen so that some fecal samples can accumulate on the internet through the filter screen.
  3. Use the scraper to horizontally scrape the screen to collect the screened fecal samples.
  4. Place the plate with a hole in the center of the slide, fill the hole with fecal samples when scraping, and wipe the plate surface horizontally with the edge of the scraping blade to remove excessive fecal at the edge of the hole.
  5. Carefully remove the plate, leaving the stool sample on the slide as a small cylinder.
  6. Take the cellophane soaked in Glycerol-Malachite Green Stain Solution and cover it on the feces.
  7. Turn the slide over, and squeeze the fecal sample towards the glass strip on another slide so that the sample can be evenly spread between the slide and the glass strip. After clarification, it should be possible to read the handwriting on this manual through smear.
  8. Gently slide and remove the upper glass slide from the side to avoid separation from or lifting up of the glass strip. Place the glass slide on the test bench with the glass strip facing up. Objectives slides (except the eggs of hookworm) should be kept at room temperature for one to several hours to make the samples clear.
  9. Check the smear by moving down or horizontally above, and report the count of each kind of eggs found, and then multiply the applicable value to get the number of eggs in each gram of feces. If a 20 mg flat plate is used, multiply by 50; if a 417 mg flat plate is used, multiply by 24; if a 50 mg flat plate is used, multiply by 20.


  1. The scraper and filter screen can be reused after careful cleaning.
  2. When the feces sample is dry, the glass strip covering the feces must be wet; if it is soft, the water content of the glass strip covering the feces may be slightly less. In a dry climate, too much glycerin can only delay the drying of fecal samples but not prevent it.
  3. The eggs of Ascaris and Trichuris can be preserved for a long time, the eggs of Schistosoma can be preserved for several months, and the eggs of hookworm cannot be observed after 30-60 minutes of production.
  4. The staining method requires the thickness of the fecal membrane and the transparent time. If the fecal membrane is thick and transparent for a short time, it is difficult to find the eggs; if it is transparent for a long time, it is difficult to identify the eggs. If the eggs of hookworm are examined, the transparent time should be controlled within 30 Protokoll.
  5. Für Sicherheit und Gesundheit, please wear experimental clothes and disposable gloves.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Bewertungen (1)

1 Bewertung für Solarbio Glycerol-Malachite Green Stain Solution

  1. Joseph Davis

    Excellent, Fast Shipping

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