Solarbio Lacate-Dehydrogenase (LDH) Aktivitätstest-Kit


Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

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Item Number: BC0685

Spezifikation: 100 Tests/48 Strips


  • The Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Activity Assay Kit quantifies the activity of LDH enzymes in biological samples.
  • LDH is crucial in cellular respiration, converting lactate to pyruvate.
  • Elevated LDH levels in tissues or body fluids may indicate cell damage or pathology.
  • The assay is utilized in research and clinical labs for diagnostic and experimental purposes.


Reagent NameSpezifikationStorage Conditions
Extraction SolutionLiquid60 mL × 1 Bottle
Reagent OneLiquid7 mL × 1 Bottle
Reagent TwoPowder1 Vial
Reagent ThreeLiquid7 mL × 1 Bottle
Reagent FourLiquid25 mL × 1 Bottle
Standard SolutionLiquid1 mL × 1 Vial
  • Reagent Two: Vor Gebrauch, hinzufügen 1.3 mL of distilled water to fully dissolve. Once prepared, aliquot into small tubes and store at -20°C for up to 2 Wochen. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Standard Solution: Sodium pyruvate solution with a concentration of 20 μmol/mL.

Key Components of the LDH Activity Assay Kit:

  1. Substrate Solution: Contains the necessary components for the enzymatic reaction, typically including lactate and NAD^+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).
  2. Reaction Buffer: Provides optimal conditions for the enzymatic reaction.
  3. LDH Enzyme Standard: A reference standard with a known concentration of LDH activity for the generation of a standard curve.
  4. LDH Assay Reagent: A colorimetric or fluorometric reagent that detects the product of the LDH reaction, often leading to a color change or fluorescence.

How to Use LDH Activity Assay Kit:

The following is a general guide on how to use an LDH Activity Assay Kit. Specific protocols may vary between kits, and it’s crucial to follow the instructions provided by the kit manufacturer:

  1. Probenvorbereitung: Prepare your biological samples (z.B., cell lysates, tissue homogenates, or body fluids) and dilute them appropriately in a compatible buffer if needed.
  2. Standard Curve Preparation: Prepare a series of standards with known concentrations of LDH enzyme activity using the provided LDH enzyme standard. This is typically achieved by diluting the standard in a buffer or sample matrix.
  3. Assay Plate Setup: Add the diluted samples and standards to the wells of a microplate or cuvette.
  4. Addition of Substrate Solution: Add the substrate solution to each well or cuvette containing the samples and standards. The enzymatic reaction will convert lactate to pyruvate.
  5. Inkubation: Incubate the reaction mixture for a specified period, typically at a controlled temperature. The enzymatic reaction will occur, generating NADH (reduced form of NAD^+).
  6. Measurement: Measure the absorbance or fluorescence of the reaction mixture at the appropriate wavelength using a microplate reader or fluorometer.
  7. Datenanalyse: Use the standard curve to convert absorbance or fluorescence values into LDH enzyme activity units.
  8. Quality Control: Check the precision and accuracy of your results by ensuring that the assay performance falls within the acceptable range.

Experimental Examples:

  1. Weighed 0.103g of Sedum leaves, added 1mL of extraction solution, homogenized in an ice bath, centrifuged at 8000g, 4°C for 10 Protokoll, and took the supernatant for measurement on ice. Dann, following the assay steps, ΔA was calculated as A_test tubeA_control tube = 0.275 – 0.199 = 0.076. Using the standard curve equation y = 0.5218x + 0.0063 (R^2 = 0.9983), we obtained x = 0.134 µmol/mL. Calculating lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) activity: L-LDH (U/g mass) = 66.67 × x ÷ W = 86.74 U/g
  2. Weighed 0.109g of rabbit liver, added 1mL of extraction solution, homogenized in an ice bath, centrifuged at 8000g, 4°C for 10 Protokoll, and took the supernatant diluted 80 times with distilled water and placed it on ice for measurement. Dann, following the assay steps, ΔA was calculated as A_test tubeA_control tube = 0.795 – 0.132 = 0.663. Using the standard curve equation y = 0.5218x + 0.0063 (R^2 = 0.9983), we obtained x = 1.259 µmol/mL. Calculating lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) activity: L-LDH (U/g mass) = 66.67 × x ÷ W × dilution factor = 61605.53 U/g
  3. Took 10μL of horse serum and followed the assay steps. Using the 96-well plate, ΔA was calculated as A_test tubeA_control tube = 0.415 – 0.161 = 0.254. Using the standard curve equation y = 0.5218x + 0.0063 (R^2 = 0.9983), we obtained x = 0.475 µmol/mL. Calculating lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) activity: L-LDH (U/mL) = 66.67 × x = 31.67 U/m

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht0.65 kg



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