Solarbio Weigert’s Gram Stain Solution(Conn geändert)


Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

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  • Hersteller: Führende chinesische Marken
  • Versand: Beschleunigter FedEx-Versand direkt aus den Fabriken
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  • Zahlungsarten: Sicheres PayPal oder Kreditkarte.


Spezifikation: 4*50ML

Reagens (A)Crystal Violet Staining Solution
Reagens (B)Acidic Ethanol Differentiation Solution
Reagens (C)Ammonium Oxalate Crystal Violet Staining Solution
Reagens (D)Weigert’s Iodine Solution

Lagerung: Zimmertemperatur, Vermeiden Sie Licht


  • Gram Staining:
    • Invention:
      • Invented by Danish physician Christian Gram in 1884.
    • Method:
      • Widely used differential staining method in bacteriology.
      • Form of counterstaining.
    • Purpose:
      • Differentiates bacteria into two major classes:
        • Gram-positive (G*)
        • Gram-negative (G)
    • Mechanism:
      • Differential staining based on differences in:
        • Permeability of cell wall to ethanol
        • Ability to resist decolorization
        • Thickness and structure of peptidoglycan layer
    • Staining Process:
      • Cells stained with crystal violet and then treated with iodine form insoluble complexes.
      • Decolorized by ethanol.
    • Isoelectric Points:
      • Gram-positive bacteria: isoelectric points at pH 2.0-3.0
      • Gram-negative bacteria: isoelectric points at pH 4.0-5.0
    • Binding Properties:
      • Gram-positive bacteria carry more negative charges.
      • Bind more tightly to basic dyes such as crystal violet.
    • Formation of Complex:
      • After addition of mordant (iodine) into bacterial cells:
        • Crystal violet-iodine-protein complex insoluble in water is formed.
        • Binds to ribonucleic acid magnesium salts inside Gram-positive bacteria.
    • Ergebnis:
      • Stained bacteria less prone to decolorization.

Operating Steps (Nur als Referenz):

  1. Tissue fixation in 10% formalin, routine dehydration embedding.
  2. Cut sections to a thickness of 4μm, and dewax routinely to water.
  3. Drop staining slices in crystal violet staining solution for 5 Protokoll, then discard the dye.
  4. Differentiate in acidic ethanol differentiation solution for 2-5 Sekunden.
  5. Rinse with flowing water for 3-5 Sekunden.
  6. Drop staining slices in ammonium oxalate crystal violet staining solution for 5 Protokoll, then discard the dye. Use paper to gently absorb excess liquid around the slices.
  7. Treat slices with Weigert’s iodine solution for 1 Minute, then discard the iodine solution. Repeatedly absorb the moisture inside the slices with filter paper.
  8. Differentiate with the ortho-toluidine-xylene solution until there is no purple color leaching out of the slices. Immediately wash with xylene, and observe under a microscope. Repeat washing with fresh xylene several times to thoroughly remove orthotoluidine. Seal with neutral resin.

Staining Results:

  • Gram-positive bacteria and cellulose: Blue-purple
  • Gram-negative bacteria: Red
  • Cell nucleus: Red


  1. After staining in crystal violet staining solution, do not wash the slices with water. Differentiate directly in acidic ethanol to fix the color stained by crystal violet.
  2. When differentiating with orthotoluidine-xylene solution, gently shake the slices to ensure uniform differentiation. If necessary, replace with fresh ortho toluidine-xylene.
  3. Differentiate until there is no purple color leaching out of the slices, then immediately discard the ortho toluidine-xylene and wash with fresh xylene. Observe under the microscope after xylene washing.
  4. If the differentiation is insufficient, add orthotoluidine-xylene again and continue differentiation until Gram-positive bacteria are clearly visible, but be careful not to over-differentiate.
  5. Finally, repeatedly wash the slices with xylene to completely remove orthotoluidine. If a small amount of ortho toluidine remains on the slices, they may fade easily later.
  6. For your safety and health, wear lab coats and disposable gloves during operation.

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