SENO Taq DNA Polymerase PCR Kit 200T

Versand USD 45 - Kostenlos über USD 300

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  • Hersteller: Führende chinesische Marken
  • Versand: Beschleunigter FedEx-Versand direkt aus den Fabriken
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Taq-DNA-Polymerase 1000 U with mixed buffer (Shipping with icebag)

Lagerung Conditions:

Taq DNA Polymerase and Taq PCR Kits should be stored at -30 to -15°C in a constant-temperature freezer upon receipt.


Taq polymerase

Notes Before Starting:

  • Provided with Load PCR Buffer containing gel-loading reagent and gel-tracking dyes.
  • PCR Buffer and Load PCR Buffer yield a final concentration of 1.5 mM MgCl2 in the reaction mix. Adjust Mg2+ concentration if necessary by adding 25 mM MgCl2.
  • High-quality PCR-grade dNTP Mix (10 mm) is available separately if needed.
  • Keep PCR tubes on ice until placed in the thermal cycler.
  • Include a No Template Control (NTC) in every assay.

Vorbereitung and Mixing:

  • Thaw buffers and reagents at room temperature or on ice, then keep them on ice after complete thawing.
  • Prepare a reaction mix containing all PCR components except template DNA. Prepare 10% more volume than required.
  • Mix the reaction mix thoroughly and dispense it into PCR tubes.
  • Add template DNA (≤1 µg/reaction) to PCR tubes. For RT-PCR, add an aliquot from the reverse transcriptase reaction, not exceeding 10% of the final PCR volume.

Reaction setup using SENO Taq DNA Polymerase

KomponenteVolume/reaction Final concentration
Reaction mix
10x PCR Bufferˢ¹ or 10 µl1X
10x Load PCR Buffer(optional)
dNTP mix (10 mM of each)2 µl200 µM of each dNTP
Primer1Variable0.1–0.5 µM
Primer2Variable0.1–0.5 µM
Taq-DNA-Polymerase0.5 µl2.5 units/reaction
RNAse-free waterVariable
Template DNA (added at step 4)Variable≤1 µg/reaction
Total reaction volume 100 µlˢ²

Thermal Cycling:

Program thermal cycler according to manufacturer’s instructions. Refer to the provided cycling program.

Optimized cycling conditions for Taq DNA Polymerase

Initial denaturation3 Mindest94°C
3-step cycling:
Denaturation0.5–1 min94°C
Annealing0.5–1 min50–68°CApproximately 5°C below Tm of primers.
Extension1 Mindest72°CFor PCR products longer than 1 kb, use an extension time of approximately 1 min per kb DNA.
Number of cycles25–35
Final extension10 Mindest72°C

Simplified Hot Start:

Start PCR program. Once the thermal cycler reaches 94°C, place PCR tubes in the cycler for improved specificity.


  • After amplification, samples can be stored at 2–8°C overnight or at -20°C for longer storage.
  • PCR products can be directly loaded onto agarose gel using Load PCR Buffer without prior addition of loading buffer and gel-tracking dyes. Refer to the provided table for migration distance and gel tracking dyes.

Migration distance of gel tracking dyes in Load PCR Buffer

% TAE (TBE) Agarose gelRed dyeOrange dye
0.8 500 (270) bp~80 (<10) bp
1.0 300 (220) bp~40 (<10) bp
1.5 250 (120) bp ~20 (<10) bp
2.0 100 (110) bp<10 (<10) bp
3.0 50 (100) bp<10 (<10) bp

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht0.7 kg

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