Instructions For How To Make Your Own DNA Test Kit

Make Your Own DNA Test Kit

For all of the relationship tests and the infidelity DNA testing we give you the option of making your own kit if you prefer that option for privacy reasons or time considerations as you don’t need to wait for the test kit to arrive from us to send in your samples. This option also saves you money of having the DNA kit shipped to you. The make your own kit option is available on all of the relationship DNA test order forms and the infidelity DNA test order form.

To choose this option please check the box on the order form of the test you are selecting that says: “I do not want a kit mailed to me for privacy or other reasons – I will choose to make my own kit”. You will find the order form under the tab Order a DNA Test. It will have a drop down menu of all the DNA tests you can order. Just select the test you are ordering and answer the questions on the form.

When you complete your order you will be emailed a Make Your Own Kit letter with your case number included and the address of where to mail your DNA samples. This will be emailed to you during regular business hours and is not an autoresponder. You are responsible for the mailing of your samples to our lab. We strongly suggest you write down your tracking number so you can track your mailer and verify your samples arrived at the lab. Your private results page will also notify you when your samples have been received by the lab.

The processing of your DNA samples at the lab is conducted in the same time frame as if you used one of our kits – in as little as 2 business days for paternity tests.

Any samples other than a mouth swab (non-standard samples) that your are sending in must fit into a standard sized envelope. If the sample doesn’t fit into a standard sized envelope then please trim the item to fit but make certain the area with the DNA to be tested is included.

If you live outside of the United States and want to order DNA testing the make your own kit option is the most cost effective and time efficient method as postage can be costly and shipping times quite a bit longer than if you resided within the U.S.

Please note that any DNA samples without a DNA Testing Experts case number cannot be processed. Samples that arrive without a case number will be discarded so please make sure to write your case number on the sample envelope.

Make Your Own DNA Kit Step by Step Instructions


Step 1

Prepare a regular sized envelope that you will use to put your DNA swab samples into. It must include the following pieces of information in clear and legible writing: Case # (This will be sent to you after you submit your order), Full Name, Date of Birth, Collection Date, Race, Type of Test (Paternity / Sibling / Avuncular / Grandparent etc.), Relationship (Alleged Father / Sibling / Child / Mother etc.)

Step 2

Using clean cotton swabs cut one end off the swab so there is only one tip. Roll the cotton swab end firmly along the inside of your cheek for about 15 seconds per swab. Use two swabs on one side of your cheek and two swabs on the other side for a total of 4 swabs per person. The aim is to collect cheek cells not just saliva so make sure to roll the swab firmly against the inside of your cheek.

Step 3

Allow the swabs to dry for at least one hour, and longer if necessary, so that the moisture from your swabs will not soak through the envelope. Make sure the swabs are placed somewhere clean while they are drying making sure the cotton end of the swab with your DNA on it is not touching anything else. You might stand it in a clean glass with the cotton end in the air. When the swabs are dry put them into the paper envelope you have prepared with the required information on it.

Step 4

Place your envelope with the DNA swabs and all of the required information that you prepared ahead of time into a larger mailer envelope and send to the lab.


DNA Purification kits :

Real-time PCR equipment and reagent

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