Solarbio Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) Kit de manchas (Auramine O Method)


Envío USD 45 - Gratis sobre USD 300

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Tamaño4 x 100ml
AlmacenamientoRT, evitar la luz, valido para 1 año

Componentes del kit

Reactivo(A): Auramine O Staining Solutionl00mLRT, evitar la luz
Reactivo(B): Acid Decolorizing Solution2• l00mLRT
Reactivo(C): Redyeing Solution100mililitrosRT, evitar la luz


The cell walls of mycobacteria contain a large amount of lipid on the outside of the peptidoglycan, so it is not easy to stain. When the mycobacterium acid of mycobacteria combines with dye, it is difficult to be destained by acid decolorizing solution. This method is called Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain. Traditional dyeing methods need to promote staining by heating and extending the time. The most representative method is the Ziehl-Neelsen method, which is recommended by the WHO and China Tuberculosis Control Program.

Acid-Fast Bacillus AFB ) Kit de manchas ( Auramine O Method ) belongs to the fluorescent staining solution, which needs no heating and is relatively safer than acid-fast hot staining solution. The principle of this method is that after Tauramine o-rhodamine staining and redyeing at room temperature, the acid-fast bacilli show bright yellow, while other bacteria and substances in the background show dark yellow. This method can be used to detect acid-fast bacilli with low magnification.

Self Provide Materials

Inoculation Ring, Deslizar, Agua destilada, Fluorescence Microscope

Protocolos(/or reference only)

  1. The sample is to be tested by inoculation ring, coat on the slide, and fixed by
  2. AddAuramine O Staining Solution, stain in the dark for 10-15min and wash with
  3. Decolorizewith Acid Decolorizing Solution for 2-3min until the smear is not yellow, and wash with
  4. Dye for 2min with Redyeing Solution and wash with
  5. Gently absorb the water and dry naturally.
  6. Microscopic examination under fluorescence


Acid-fast bacteriaBright Yellow or Orange
Non-acid-fast bacteria, Cells and BackgroundDark Yellow


  1. Cover the reagent bottle tightly every time to prevent reagent volatilization and contamination.
  2. The fluorescence of auramine o-rhodamine is easy to be attenuated, and the operation should avoid
  3. The above reagents are irritant to the human body, please pay attention to the appropriate
  4. Por tu seguridad y salud, please wear laboratory clothes and disposable


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