
HiPure Stool RNA Kit


Envío USD 45 - Gratis sobre USD 300

Isolation total RNA from 100-150mg stool sample

DTE es una plataforma de comercio electrónico con sede en China que se especializa en ventas en línea de pruebas moleculares., ELISA, y productos relacionados.

  • Fabricante: Marcas chinas líderes
  • Envío: Envío acelerado de FedEx directamente desde las fábricas
  • Elegible para devolución o reemplazo dentro de 30 días
  • Métodos de pago: PayPal seguro o tarjeta de crédito.



  • Objetivo: Extraction of stool RNA.
  • Sample Compatibility: Suitable for extracting high-purity microbial or host cell RNA from ≤0.1g stool samples.
  • Tecnología: Utilizes silica gel column purification technology and an original solution system.
  • Key Feature: Effectively removes humic acid and other inhibitory factors present in stool samples.
  • Aplicaciones: The purified RNA can be directly used in RT-PCR, hibridación del norte, y otros experimentos.


Funciones principalesIsolation total RNA from 100-150mg stool sample
AplicacionesRT-PCR, hibridación del norte, y otros experimentos
Método de purificaciónMini columna de giro
Tecnología de purificacióntecnología de sílice
método de procesoManual (centrifugación o vacío)
Tipo de ejemploHeces
Cantidad de muestra100-150 mg
Volumen de elución≥30μl
Tiempo por carrera≤50 minutos
Volumen de transporte de líquido por columna100µg
Rendimiento de unión de la columna800l


  • Principle of HiPure Silica Gel Column: Utilizes a high binding ability glass fiber filter membrane as the substrate. Under high concentrations of ionizing agents (p.ej., Guanidinium chloride or guanidina isotiocianato), nucleic acids are adsorbed through hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions, while proteins and other impurities are not adsorbed and removed. Subsequently, the filter membrane with adsorbed nucleic acids is washed to remove proteins and salts. Finally, low salt buffer solution (p.ej., Buffer TE) or water is used to elute the purified nucleic acids, resulting in high purity suitable for downstream experiments.
  • Procesamiento de muestras: Stool samples are homogenized in the lysis solution, then further lysed in a high-temperature water bath to release RNA into the solution. Chloroform extraction is employed to remove genomic DNA and impurities. The supernatant is transferred to an alcohol-free binding solution, followed by RNA purification through a column. Finally, RNA is eluted using RNase Free Water.
  • Aplicaciones: The purified RNA is suitable for various downstream experiments such as PCR, Southern hybridization, and enzyme digestion.


  • Alta pureza: Utilizes a unique adsorbent for more efficient removal of inhibitors, ensuring high purity of extracted RNA.
  • High Concentration: Achieves maximum extraction of total RNA from stool samples due to its high concentration, maximizing RNA yield.
  • Sensible: Capable of purifying RNA at the level of picograms (PG), ensuring sensitivity in downstream applications.

Contenido del kit

Tiempos de purificación50 preparativos250 preparativos
Minicolumnas de ARN HiPure50250
2Tubos de recolección de ml50250
Cuentas de vidrio (0.1~0.6mm)30 gramo150 gramo
Buffer SPL30 ml140 ml
Buffer PHC30 ml140 ml
Buffer GRP60 ml250 ml
Memoria intermedia RW150 ml250 ml
Buffer RW2 *20 ml2 X 50 ml
Agua libre de ARNasa15 ml30 ml

Almacenamiento y estabilidad

  • Condiciones de almacenaje: Kit components can be stored at room temperature (15–25°C) and remain stable for 18 meses en estas condiciones.
  • Buffer SPL: May form precipitates at low temperatures. Dissolve precipitates by placing the Buffer SPL in a 55°C water bath.
  • Buffer PHC: After receiving the product, store Buffer PHC at 2-8°C.

Información adicional

Peso0.85 kg

HiPure Stool RNA Kit 50 preparativos, HiPure Stool RNA Kit 250 preparativos

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