Sanshibio Safe Red DNA Stain


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Safe Red DNA Stain

Artículo No:DA004 Especificación:500µL Almacenamiento:2-8℃Avoid exposure to light

Introducción del producto

Safe Red DNA Stain is an ultra-safe, highly sensitive, and stable fluorescent nucleic acid dye with a concentration of 10000×. It is compatible with commonly used electrophoresis buffers such as TAE and TBE. Safe Red DNA Stain has a large molecular weight, which prevents it from penetrating cell membranes, making it safe and non-toxic. It offers higher sensitivity compared to traditional dye ethidium bromide (EB).

Safe Red DNA Stain can be used as a staining reagent for various nucleic acid electrophoresis applications, suitable for staining fragments of different sizes. It is perfectly compatible with standard UV gel imaging systems and visible light excitation gel observation devices, allowing its use with either a UV gel imaging system or a blue light visible light excitation gel observation system for safe gel cutting.

It is a new, safe, non-toxic, and highly sensitive nucleic acid dye. Compared to the previous generation of Safe Red DNA Stain dye, it enhances staining intensity under blue light excitation while remaining similar under UV excitation.

Contenido del producto:

Safe Red DNA Stain500µL

Product Features

  • Non-toxic and safe: Its unique characteristics as an oily macromolecule prevent it from penetrating cell membranes and entering the cells. Ames test results also indicate much lower mutagenicity compared to EB.
  • High sensitivity: Suitable for staining electrophoresis gels with fragments of various sizes, with minimal impact on nucleic acid migration.
  • High stability: Suitable for preparing agarose gels using microwave or other heating methods; extremely stable in acid or alkaline buffers at room temperature and exhibits strong resistance to light.
  • High signal-to-noise ratio: Strong fluorescence signal from the sample and low background signal.
  • Easy to use: It does not degrade during gel preparation or electrophoresis, and can be directly observed using a visible light gel transilluminator.
  • Amplia aplicabilidad: Can be used for pre-electrophoresis staining (gel staining method) or post-electrophoresis staining (soak staining method); suitable for both agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; can be used for dsDNA, ssDNA, or RNA staining.
  • Perfect compatibility: Suitable for use with 254nm UV gel imaging systems or gel observation devices with blue light visible light excitation.

Usage Instructions:

Binding of large molecule safe nucleic acid dyes may affect DNA migration; por lo tanto, the soak staining method is recommended as a priority for staining.

1.Soak Staining Method

① Perform electrophoresis using the conventional method.

② Prepare 3× Safe Red DNA Stain staining solution as follows: Dilute Safe Red DNA Stain 10000× stock solution about 3300 times in 0.1M NaCl (p.ej., mix 15μL Safe Red DNA Stain 10000× stock solution with 5mL of 1M NaCl in 45mL of H2O).

Nota: 3× Safe Red DNA Stain staining solution can be prepared in bulk and stored at room temperature, protected from light, until used up.

③ Carefully place the gel in a suitable container, slowly add enough 3× staining solution to cover the gel completely. Stain at room temperature with gentle shaking for 10-20 minutos. The optimal staining time may be slightly extended based on gel thickness and agarose concentration.

2.Gel Staining Method (same as EB)

① Add Safe Red DNA Stain safe nucleic acid dye during gel preparation (p.ej., add 5μL of Safe Red DNA Stain 10000× stock solution to every 50mL of agarose solution, adjust accordingly for other volumes).

Nota: 1) This method requires relatively small amounts of staining dye; approximately 500μL of 10000× stock solution can be used to prepare 100 gels (50mL each).

2)Safe Red DNA Stain exhibits good thermal stability and can be directly added to hot agarose solution.

② Perform electrophoresis using the conventional method.


  • It is recommended to store the dye at 2-8°C; precipitation may occur at low temperatures. If precipitation occurs before use, heat the dye at 45-50°C for 2 minutos, and then vortex to mix it.
  • The soak staining method is preferred, and when using this method, 3× Safe Red DNA Stain staining solution can be reused for approximately 3 veces.
  • If the gel staining method is used, it is recommended to use a lower voltage during electrophoresis and extend the electrophoresis time appropriately. Reduce DNA loading quantity (between 2-15ng) to avoid band smearing orsmileypatterns. Lower the gel concentration to improve resolution for large DNA fragments.

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