Sanshibio Sanshibio TBE (rapid soluble granules)


Envío USD 45 - Gratis sobre USD 300

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TBE (rapid soluble granules)

Artículo No:DA002 Especificación:50 Pouches AlmacenamientoRT

Introducción del producto

  • TBE is a white to off-white instant soluble granule used for preparing 1× TBE buffer.
  • Each bag of TBE instant soluble granules can produce 1 L of 1× TBE buffer, offering simplicity and convenience in operation.
  • The main components of TBE include Tris, boric acid, and EDTA, with a concentration of 89 mM Tris, 89 mM boric acid, y 2 mM EDTA in 1× TBE buffer.
  • TBE serves as a commonly utilized nucleic acid electrophoresis buffer in biology, primarily for DNA agarose gel electrophoresis.
  • It exhibits a robust buffering capacity, delivering enhanced separation outcomes for fragments smaller than 1 kb and facilitating longer electrophoresis runs.
  • Sin embargo, when used in agarose gel electrophoresis, TBE may lead to significant electroendosmosis and form non-covalent tetrahydroxyborate complexes with agarose, thereby reducing the recovery of DNA fragments.
  • Consequently, it is not recommended for DNA fragment recovery purposes.

Contenido del producto:

ComponentesDA002-02(50 Pouches)
TAE (rapid soluble granules)50 Pouches

Nota: The pH value of the 1× buffer solution after preparation is 8.3 ± 0.1 @ 25 °C.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Take approximately 600mL of distilled water and add it to a beaker. Place a magnetic stir bar in the beaker.
  2. Put the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and slowly add the entire contents of 1 bag of TAE instant granules into the beaker. Stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Add distilled water to the TAE solution from step 2 to make up the volume to 1L. This is now the 1× buffer solution (TAE working solution).

Configuration Instructions:



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