Solarbio Alkaline Phosphatase Stain Kit (azo-dye stain)


Envío USD 45 - Gratis sobre USD 300

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  • Fabricante: Marcas chinas líderes
  • Envío: Envío acelerado de FedEx directamente desde las fábricas
  • Elegible para devolución o reemplazo dentro de 30 días
  • Métodos de pago: PayPal seguro o tarjeta de crédito.


Tamaño4 x 2mL, 4 x 10mL, 4 x 20mL
Almacenamiento-20°C, evitar la luz, valido para 6 meses

Componentes del kit:

Reagent A: ALP Fixative2mililitros10mililitros20mililitrosRT, evitar la luz
Reagent B: ALP Incubation SolutionB1: AS-BI Solution 1mL5mililitros10mililitros-20°C, evitar la luz
B2: FBB Solution 1mL5mililitros10mililitros-20°C, evitar la luz
Reactivo C: Nuclear Fast Red Solution2mililitros10mililitros20mililitros2-8°C, evitar la luz
Reactivo D: Methyl Green Solution2mililitros10mililitros20mililitrosRT, evitar la luz


Alkaline phosphatase (ALP or AKP) is widely distributed in mammalian tissues, mainly at active substance exchange sites like cell membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, neutrophil granules, and smooth muscle cell membranes. The ALP Staining Kit (Kaplow Method) utilizes an azo coupling method to demonstrate ALP activity, providing reliable results compared to metal salt precipitation methods.

Self-Provided Materials:

Glass slide, Wet box, Optical microscope

Protocolo (solo por referencia):

For Smear or Section Stain:

  1. Fix smears or sections in ALP Fixative for 3min, then wash with distilled water.
  2. Apply ALP Incubation Solution, incubate in a wet box in the dark for 15-20min, then wash with distilled water.
  3. Re-dye with Nuclear Fast Red Solution or Methyl Green Solution for 3-5min.
  4. View sections under a microscope after washing or sealing with glycerol gelatin.

For Adherent Cells Stain:

  1. Rinse cultured cells with PBS, then fix them with ALP Fixative or 4% PFA, followed by washing with PBS.
  2. Apply ALP Incubation Solution, incubate in a wet box in the dark for 15-20min, then wash with PBS.
  3. Re-dye with Nuclear Fast Red Solution or Methyl Green Solution for 3-5min.
  4. Wash with PBS and view sections under a microscope.


Positive site of ALPAzul
NúcleoRed or Green

Criteria for Blood and Bone Marrow Smears Judging:

Positive LevelDyeing Characteristics
0No Granule
1Slightly Granule
2Medium-Grade Granule
3Majority Granule
4Full Granule


  1. Use fresh samples and fix sections promptly to preserve enzyme activity.
  2. Handle cultured cells gently during staining to avoid damage or loss.
  3. ALP Incubation Solution may lose effectiveness quickly, use promptly.
  4. Re-dye with Nuclear Fast Red Solution or Methyl Green Solution.
  5. Include a positive control for each sample.


Yu Jiang, Dantian Zhu, Wenfeng Liu, et al. Hedgehog pathway inhibition causes primary follicle atresia and decreases female germLine stem cell proliferation capacity or stemness. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. July 2019. (IF 4.627)

Información adicional


4x2mL, 4x10mL, 4x20mL

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