Solarbio Human E2(Estradiol) ELISA KIT


Envío USD 45 - Gratis sobre USD 300

DTE es una plataforma de comercio electrónico con sede en China que se especializa en ventas en línea de pruebas moleculares., ELISA, y productos relacionados.

  • Fabricante: Marcas chinas líderes
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Assay Type:

Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA

Sensitivity :


Detection Range:

9.37-600 pg/mL

Assay Length:


Tipo de ejemplo:

Suero, plasma, Cell culture supernatant

Long Name:


Sinónimos :

E2; Estradiol

Background :

Estradiol is a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries, adrenal gland, and placenta during pregnancy. It is the most important hormone during a female’s reproductive years and is required for reproductive and sexual function as well as having an impact on the health of other organs and tissues.

In females, estradiol acts primarily as a growth hormone for the reproductive organs including the vagina, the fallopian tubes, the endometrium, and the cervical glands. Estradiol also enhances the growth of the womb’s muscle layer, the myometrium. In addition, the hormone maintains oocytes and triggers a series of events that lead to ovulation.
Though estradiol levels in men are much lower compared to those in women, estradiol has important roles in men as well. Aside from humans and other mammals, estradiol is also found in most vertebrates and crustaceans, insects, fish, and other animal species. Estradiol is produced especially within the follicles of the ovaries, but also in other tissues including the testicles, the adrenal glands, fat, liver, the breasts, and the brain. Estradiol is produced from cholesterol through a series of reactions and intermediates.

Información adicional


48t, 96t

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