Solarbio Rat IL-10 Elisa Kit


Envío USD 45 - Gratis sobre USD 300

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Rat IL-10 Elisa Kit

No : SEKR-0006

Species :

Assay Type :

Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
Sensitivity :

15 pg/ml
Detection Range :

15.6-1,000 pg/ml
Assay Length :

Tipo de ejemplo :

Suero; Plasma; Cell culture supernatant.
Long Name :

Interleukin 10
Sinónimos :

IL10; CSIF; GVHDS; IL-10; IL10A; TGIF; Interleukin 10
Background :

Interleukin-10 functions as an anti-inflammatory cytokine by inhibiting the expansion and activation of Th1 cells and Th17 cells and by promoting the development of M2 macrophages and regulatory T cells (Treg). Within a tumor microenvironment, however, IL-10 can inhibit the expansion of both Treg and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). IL-10 exerts protective effects, including limiting tissue damage in arthritic inflammation and promoting muscle regeneration after injury, but it also contributes to the persistence of viral infections. IL-10 signals through a receptor complex composed of IL-10 R alpha and IL-10 R beta. IL-10 R beta additionally associates with IL-20 R alpha, IL-22 R alpha 1, or IL-28 R alpha to form the receptor complexes for IL-22, IL-26, IL-28, and IL-29.

Rat IL-10 Elisa Kit
Rat IL-10 Elisa Kit

Información adicional


48t, 96t

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