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At Home Paternity Test – 100% accurate!

Home Paternity Test

Paternity DNA tests are used to conclusively confirm or exclude the relationship of an alleged or potential father with a particular child. The most popular type of paternity testing is the home paternity test that you take for your own personal knowledge. A legal paternity test would be taken when the test results matter in a legal case of some kind.

How Paternity Testing Works

Everyone has a unique DNA blueprint that they are born with. Children inherit one half of their DNA from their mother and the other half of their DNA from their father. Matching the DNA markers between the child and biological parents provides a definitive way to conclusively establish biological relationships. Consequently, DNA testing is now the standard method accepted to determine identity within the legal and scientific communities.

A DNA paternity test compares a child’s DNA blueprint against the father in question’s DNA blueprint to determine if there are matching markers. If the potential father doesn’t have the matching DNA markers then he cannot possibly be the biological father. If the potential father does have these matching DNA markers, then he cannot be excluded as the biological father and the probability of paternity, in most cases, will be more than 99.9% and he is conclusively considered to be the biological father.

When a home paternity test is performed in an accredited laboratory, which guarantees up to date proficiency standards of training and testing, it’s the most definitive proof of a biological relationship — Accuracy is 100% guaranteed.

Private Home Paternity DNA Test Kits

Private home paternity DNA tests are commonly called non-legal tests. They provide the same information as a legal DNA test and are tested in an AABB accredited lab just like the legal paternity tests, the only difference is that they do not need to follow a chain of custody in the collection because they are not intended for use or usable in a court of law. If you just want to know this information for your own peace of mind but do not need to use that information in a court case, you may wish to use our home paternity DNA testing kits.

100% Accurate Test

Private home paternity test uses 24 markers instead of the industry standard 16 markers for the highest accuracy possible in a home paternity test. It is possible to get false positives using a 16 marker test that is why we insist on using 24 markers in paternity tests instead of 16 because you deserve to know the absolute truth!

In order for an alleged father to be determined conclusively as the child’s biological father the potential father must match on a total of 23 of the 24 markers with the tested child. 22 or fewer matching markers will automatically exclude a potential father from any possibility as being the biological father.

DNA Testing Experts Provides DNA test products for research and commercial users with the most stable quality and best prices.

DNA Purification kits :

Real-time PCR equipment and reagent

Martin Wong

L'auteur est titulaire d'un doctorat. en sciences de la vie de l'Université agricole de Chine, est un conférencier en biologie renommé en Chine, et est le fondateur de DTE. Reconnu par des prix, il s'engage activement dans le milieu universitaire et encadre la prochaine génération d'étudiants, réussir à la fois sur le plan scolaire et social.

Published by
Martin Wong

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