HiPure Paxigene Blood RNA Kit


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

Isolation total RNA from Paxgene RNA tubes

DTE est une plateforme de commerce électronique basée en Chine, spécialisée dans la vente en ligne de tests moléculaires., ELISA, et produits associés.

  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
  • Éligible au retour ou au remplacement dans les 30 jours
  • méthodes de payement: PayPal ou carte de crédit sécurisé.


The Kit provides fast purification of high-quality RNA from paxigene Blood RNA Tube using silica-membrane spin columns. RNA purified using the HiPure System is ready for applications such as RT-RAP, Transfert du Nord, poly A+ RNA (ARNm) purification, nuclease protection, and in vitro translation.



Fonctions principalesIsolation of total RNA from Paxgene RNA Tubes
ApplicationsRT-PCR, qPCR, Northern hybridization, NGS, nucleic acid protection, in vitro translation
Méthode de purificationMini spin column
Technologie de purificationTechnologie de la silice, DNA filtration technology
Méthode de processusManuel (centrifugation ou vide)
Échantillon typeBlood in the preservation tube
Montant de l'échantillon2.5ml
Volume d'élution30µl
Volume de liquide transporté par colonne800µl
Rendement de liaison de la colonne100µg


The Kit is for the purification of total RNA from 2.5 ml human whole blood collected in a PAXgene Blood RNA Tube. Purification begins with a centrifugation step to pellet nucleic acids in the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube. The pellet is washed and resuspended, and incubated in optimized buffers together with proteinase K. DNA wash The lysate is passed through a DNA Mini column. Ethanol is added to adjust binding conditions, and the lysate is applied to a column.RNA is selectively bound to the silica membrane as contaminants pass through. The remaining contaminants are removed in several efficient wash steps. Between the first and second wash steps, the membrane is treated with DNase I to remove trace amounts of bound DNA. After the wash steps, RNA is eluted in elution buffer and heat-denatured.


  • High qualityhigh purity total RNA can be directly used in various sensitive downstream applications
  • Rapide – isolation of several samples can be completed in 40 minutes by using the column purification method
  • Sécurité – no phenol-chloroform extraction is required
  • Sensitivedirect lysis of blood, plasma, and other samples without separation of leukocytes

Contenu du kit

Temps de purification10 Préparations50 Préparations
HiPure RNA Mini Columns I1050
gDNA Filter Mini Columns1050
2Tubes de prélèvement ml30150
RNase Free Water60 ml250 ml
Buffer MBR110 ml30 ml
Buffer MBR25 ml15 ml
Buffer RW115 ml60 ml
Buffer RW2*6 ml20 ml
Protéinase K12 mg50 mg
Tampon de dissolution de protéase1.8 ml5 ml
DNase I120 µl600 µl
DNase Buffer6 ml30 ml

Stockage et stabilité

Proteinase K should be stored at 2–8°C upon arrival. DNase I should be stored at -20°C. Cependant, stockage à court terme (DNase I up to 1 semaines, Proteinase K up to 8 semaines) à température ambiante (15–25°C) n'affecte pas leurs performances. Les composants restants du kit peuvent être conservés à température ambiante (15–25°C) et sont stables pendant au moins 18 mois dans ces conditions.

Données d'expérimentation

Informations Complémentaires

Poids0.85 kg

HiPure Paxigene Blood RNA Kit 10 préparations, HiPure Paxigene Blood RNA Kit 50 préparations


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