HiPure Stool DNA Kit


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

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  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
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  • méthodes de payement: PayPal ou carte de crédit sécurisé.


Stool Sample in Molecular Biology Research:

  1. Utility and Applications:
    • Stool samples are increasingly utilized in animal molecular genetics, population ecology, behavioral ecology, and intestinal disease diagnosis.
    • They contain gut microbial DNA, food residue sample DNA, and alimentary tract exfoliated cell DNA.
  2. Challenges:
    • Low content of exfoliated cells in the digestive tract and degradation of genetic material pose primary challenges.
    • Presence of inhibitors such as polysaccharides, bile acids, bile salts, bile pigments, digestive juices, and mucus can affect RAP-based molecular analysis.

Importance of DNA Extraction:

Critical Role:

    • Selecting appropriate extraction methods is crucial for obtaining high-quality DNA and ensuring successful downstream detection of stool DNA.

HiPure Stool DNA Kit:

  1. Solution Provided:
    • The HiPure Stool DNA Kit from Magen Company offers a promising solution.
    • Features good universality, high cost-effectiveness, high yield, and purification.
  2. Unique Features:
    • Utilizes a unique solution system and inhibitory factor adsorbent to efficiently remove various impurities in stool samples.
    • The purified DNA can be directly used for PCR, quantitative PCR, et d'autres applications.
  3. Efficiency and Ease of Use:
    • Enables rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from various stool samples.
    • Capable of processing up to 100 mg of stool samples within 60 minutes.
    • Combines reversible nucleic acid binding properties with spin column technologie, eliminating PCR inhibiting compounds.
    • Suitable for PCR, restriction digestion, and next-generation sequencing applications.
  4. Sustainability and Scalability:
    • Eliminates the need for organic extractions, reducing plastic waste and hands-on time.
    • Allows multiple samples to be processed in parallel, enhancing efficiency.



Fonctions principalesIsolation total DNA from 50-100mg stool samples
ApplicationsRAP, Southern Blot, enzyme digestion and NGS, etc..
Méthode de purificationMini colonne d'essorage
Technologie de purificationTechnologie de la silice
Méthode de processusManuel (centrifugation ou vide)
Échantillon typeStool
Montant de l'échantillon50-100mg
Volume d'élution≥30μl
Temps par course≤60 minutes
Volume de liquide transporté par colonne750µl
Rendement de liaison de la colonne100µg


Stool DNA Extraction Process:

  1. Homogenization and Lysis:
    • Stool sample is homogenized and treated in a specially formulated buffer containing detergent.
    • This step effectively lyses bacteria, yeast, and fungal samples present in the stool.
  2. Contaminant Removal:
    • Our proprietary Absorber Solution is used to remove humic acid, protéines, polysaccharides, and other contaminants from the lysed sample.
  3. Binding and Washing:
    • Adjusted binding conditions facilitate the attachment of DNA to a DNA Mini Column.
    • Two rapid wash steps are performed to remove trace contaminants, ensuring purity of the DNA.
  4. Elution of Purified DNA:
    • Pure DNA is eluted from the column in a low ionic strength buffer.
    • The resulting purified DNA is ready for direct use in downstream applications without the need for further purification.


  • Haute pureté – unique adsorbent can completely remove inhibitory factors
  • Haute concentration – maximum extraction of total DNA from stool samples
  • Récupération élevée – L'ADN peut être récupéré au niveau du PG
  • Bonne répétabilité – la technologie de la silice peut obtenir des résultats idéaux à chaque fois

Contenu du kit

Temps de purification50 Préparations250 Préparations
HiPure DNA Mini Columns II50250
2Tubes de prélèvement ml50250
2ml Bead Tubes50250
Protéinase K24 mg120 mg
Tampon de dissolution de protéase1.8 ml10 ml
Buffer SPL40 ml200 ml
Buffer PCI40 ml200 ml
Tampon AL20 ml80 ml
Tampon GW122 ml88 ml
Tampon GW220 ml2 X 50 ml
Tampon AE15 ml30 ml

Stockage et stabilité

Storage Instructions:

  1. Proteinase K and Buffer PCI:
    • Upon arrival, store at 2-8°C.
    • Short-term storage (jusqu'à 12 semaines) à température ambiante (15-25°C) n'affecte pas leurs performances.
  2. Remaining Kit Components:
    • Store at room temperature (15-25°C).
    • Stable for at least 18 mois dans ces conditions.
  3. Entire Kit:
    • Can be stored at 2–8°C.
    • Buffers should be redissolved before use if stored at this temperature.
    • Ensure all buffers are at room temperature when used.

Informations Complémentaires

Poids0.75 kg

HiPure Stool DNA Kit 50 préparations, HiPure Stool DNA Kit 250 préparations


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