Tissu HiPure&Blood DNA Midi Column Kit


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

DTE est une plateforme de commerce électronique basée en Chine, spécialisée dans la vente en ligne de tests moléculaires., ELISA, et produits associés.

  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
  • Éligible au retour ou au remplacement dans les 30 jours
  • méthodes de payement: PayPal ou carte de crédit sécurisé.


Blood is a valuable source of DNA for clinical diagnostics and research, but traditional extraction methods present challenges:

  • Safety Hazards: Bloodborne pathogens pose a risk of infection during extraction.
  • DNA Loss: Red blood cell removal can eliminate desired DNA fractions (viral, circulating DNA).
  • Impurities and Inhibitors: Blood components can interfere with downstream applications (RAP, Southern Blot).

This product offers a novel DNA extraction solution that addresses these issues:

  • Safe and Efficient: No red blood cell removal minimizes infectious waste and contamination risks.
  • Comprehensive DNA Recovery: Purifies total DNA (génomique, mitochondriale, viral, circulating) for a complete picture.
  • Broad Sample Compatibility: Works with whole blood (fresh/frozen), plasma, sérum, couche leucocyto-plaquettaire, et cellules cultivées.
  • Downstream Applications: Purified DNA is suitable for PCR and Southern blotting.

This innovative method simplifies blood DNA extraction while ensuring safety, efficiency, and comprehensive DNA recovery. It represents a significant advancement for researchers in diagnostics, forensics, and medical research.

Note: This bulletin corrects the previous statement about sample compatibility. This method is not suitable for tissue samples.


Fonctions principalesIsolation of total DNA from 2ml blood and 200mg tissue using Midi column
ApplicationsRAP, boulon du sud et détection de virus, etc.
Méthode de purificationMidi spin column
Technologie de purificationTechnologie de la silice
Méthode de processusManuel (centrifugation ou vide)
Échantillon typeTissu, cellules, sang, saliva, swabs, blood spot, semen, and other clinical samples
Montant de l'échantillon0.2-2 ml
Volume d'élution≥300μl
Temps par course≤80 minutes
Volume de liquide transporté par colonne4ml
Rendement de liaison de la colonne1mg


This product offers a streamlined method for purifying DNA from blood samples using silica column technology.

The Process:

  1. Lysis and Digestion: The blood sample is treated with a lysate solution and protease to break open cells and degrade proteins, releasing DNA into the solution.
  2. Binding to Silica: The lysate is transferred to a silica column. The silica membrane in the column selectively binds DNA molecules, while proteins and other impurities pass through.
  3. Washing: Wash buffers remove unbound proteins and cellular debris that didn’t adhere to the silica.
  4. Elution: A low-salt buffer (typically 10 mM Tris, pH 9.0, et 0.5 mMEDTA) is used to elute the purified DNA from the silica. This disrupts the interaction between DNA and the silica, allowing the collection of purified DNA in a separate tube.


  • High-quality DNAmeets a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, enzyme digestion, hybridization, etc..
  • Rapide – without separation of leukocytes, organic extraction, or ethanol precipitation
  • Simple – all nucleic acids can be obtained by direct digestion
  • Large applicabilité – handle a variety of liquid samples

Contenu du kit

Temps de purification20100
HiPure gDNA Midi Columns20100
15Tubes de prélèvement ml40200
Tampon ATL50 ml250 ml
Tampon AL50 ml250 ml
Tampon GW1*22 ml110 ml
Tampon GW2*12 ml50 ml
RNase A20 mg90 mg
Protéinase K100 mg440 mg
Tampon de dissolution de protéase10 ml30 ml
Tampon AE20 ml120 ml

Stockage et stabilité

For optimal performance:

  • Store Proteinase K and RNase A at 2-8°C (refrigerator) upon arrival.

Acceptable short-term storage:

  • Proteinase K and RNase A can be stored for up to 12 weeks at room temperature (15-25°C) without affecting their performance.

Remaining kit components:

  • Store all other components of the kit dry at room temperature (15-25°C).
  • They are stable for at least 18 mois dans ces conditions.

Important Note:

  • If storing the entire kit at room temperature, ensure buffers are redissolved before use and always warm all buffers to room temperature before using them.

Informations Complémentaires

Poids0.7 kg

Tissu HiPure&Blood DNA Midi Kit 20 préparations, Tissu HiPure&Blood DNA Midi Kit 100 préparations


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