Kit de colonne d'ADN universel HiPure


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

DTE est une plateforme de commerce électronique basée en Chine, spécialisée dans la vente en ligne de tests moléculaires., ELISA, et produits associés.

  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
  • Éligible au retour ou au remplacement dans les 30 jours
  • méthodes de payement: PayPal ou carte de crédit sécurisé.


This product offers a convenient and rapid method to purify total DNA from a wide range of samples, making it ideal for various downstream analyses:

  • Fast and Efficient: The protocol is streamlined for quick DNA extraction with minimal hands-on time.
  • High-Quality DNA: The system isolates total DNA (génomique, viral, mitochondriale) with high purity, suitable for reliable RAP, quantitative PCR (qPCR), Southern Blot, and viral DNA detection.
  • Broad Sample Compatibility: The method effectively purifies DNA from a variety of sources, y compris:
    • Tissu
    • Cells
    • Sang
    • Saliva
    • Swabs
    • Blood Spots
    • Semen
    • Other clinical samples
  • Downstream Applications: The purified DNA can be used directly in various research techniques, y compris:
    • RAP (Réaction en chaîne par polymérase)
    • qPCR (quantitative PCR)
    • Southern Blotting
    • Viral DNA Detection
    • Other DNA-based analyses

This solution simplifies DNA extraction while maintaining high quality, making it a valuable tool for researchers working in various fields of molecular biology, forensics, and diagnostics.


Fonctions principalesIsolation of total DNA from tissue/blood/body fluid/swab/dry blood spots
ApplicationsRAP, qPCR, boulon du sud et détection de virus, etc.
Méthode de purificationMini spin column
Technologie de purificationTechnologie de la silice
Méthode de processusManuel (centrifugation ou vide)
Échantillon typeTissu, cellules, sang, saliva, swabs, blood spots, semen, and other clinical samples
Montant de l'échantillonSolid tissue: 1-10mg; Sang anticoagulant: 200µl
Volume d'élution≥20μl
Temps par course30 – 60 minutes
Volume de liquide transporté par colonne800µl
Rendement de liaison de la colonne100µg


  • Purification Method: Utilizes silica column purification for efficient nucleic acid extraction.
  • Sample Lysis and Digestion: Samples are lysed and digested using lysate and protease, facilitating the release of DNA into the lysate.
  • Nucleic Acid Adsorption: The lysed sample is transferred to an adsorption column, where nucleic acids selectively adsorb onto the membrane.
  • Protein Removal: Proteins, which do not adsorb to the membrane, are removed through filtration, ensuring purity of the extracted nucleic acid.
  • Washing Step: Proteins and other impurities are washed away from the membrane to enhance the purity of the extracted nucleic acid.
  • Elution: Nucleic acid is finally eluted from the membrane using a low-salt buffer (10mmTris, pH 9.0, 0.5mmEDTA), resulting in efficient recovery of high-quality nucleic acid.


  • High-quality DNAmeets a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, enzyme digestion, hybridization, etc..
  • Rapide – without separation of leukocytes, organic extraction, or ethanol precipitation
  • Simple – all nucleic acids can be obtained by direct digestion
  • Large applicabilité- handle a variety of liquid samples

Contenu du kit

Temps de purification50250
HiPure DNA Mini Columns I50250
2Tubes de prélèvement ml100500
Tampon ATL30 ml150 ml
Tampon AL30 ml150 ml
Tampon GW122 ml88 ml
Tampon GW212 ml50 ml
Protéinase K24 mg120 mg
Tampon de dissolution de protéase1.8 ml10 ml
Tampon AE15 ml60 ml

Stockage et stabilité

  • Proteinase K Storage: Upon arrival, store Proteinase K at 2-8°C. Short-term storage (jusqu'à 12 semaines) à température ambiante (15-25°C) is acceptable without affecting performance.
  • Remaining Kit Components Storage: Les composants restants du kit peuvent être conservés à température ambiante (15-25°C) and remain stable for at least 18 mois dans ces conditions.
  • Whole Kit Storage: The entire kit can also be stored at 2-8°C. Cependant, in this case, les tampons doivent être redissous avant utilisation. Ensure all buffers are at room temperature when used for optimal performance.

Données d'expérimentation


Informations Complémentaires

Poids0.7 kg

Kit ADN universel HiPure 50 préparations, Kit ADN universel HiPure 250 préparations


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