Solarbio Formaldéhyde Déshydrogénase (FDH) Kit de test d'activité (Échantillons d'animaux)


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

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  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
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Product Information

Numéro de catalogue: BC4980

Caractéristiques: 50T/48S

Composants du kit

  • Extraction Solution: 60 mL x 1 bouteille, store at 2-8°C
  • Reagent One: 35 mL x 1 bouteille, store at 2-8°C
  • Reagent Two: Powder x 2 flacons, store at -20°C
  • Reagent Three: Powder x 2 flacons, store at 2-8°C
  • Reagent Four: 3 mL x 1 bouteille, store at 2-8°C

Solution Preparation

1. Réactif II: Ajouter 0.25 mL d'eau distillée avant utilisation. Unused reagents should be stored at -20℃ for two weeks.
2. Working solution of Reagent II: According to the amount required for the test, prepare the Working solution according to the ratio of Reagent II (µL): Eau distillée (µL) =1:29, and prepare the reagents when it will be used. The Working solution of Reagent II should be used up on the same day if it is prepared on the same day.
3. Réactif III: Ajouter 1.5 mL d'eau distillée avant utilisation. Bien mélanger. Unused reagents should be stored at -20℃ for two weeks

Description du produit

Formaldehyde dehydrogenase exists in most prokaryotes and all eukaryotes. It is an oxidoreductase that converts formaldehyde. Formaldehyde dehydrogenase can catalyze formaldehyde and NAD+ to produce NADH. The absorbance at 340 nm will increase. By measuring the change at 340nm, the activity of formaldehyde dehydrogenase can be calculated.


  1. It is recommended to select 2-3 samples with expected large differences for pre-experiment before the experiment. If the sample absorbance is not within the measurement range, it is recommended to dilute or increase the sample volume for detection.

Required Instruments and Supplies:

  • UV spectrophotometer
  • Low-temperature centrifuge
  • Constant temperature incubator/water bath
  • Adjustable pipette
  • 1 mL quartz cuvette
  • Mortar/homogenizer
  • Ice and distilled water

Operation Steps:

je. Sample Treatment (the amount of sample to be tested can be adjusted appropriately, and the specific ratio can be referenced)

  • Tissu: According to the ratio of animal tissue weight (g): volume de la solution d'extraction (ml) = 1:5~10 (it is recommended to weigh 0.1 g of animal tissue and add 1 mL of extraction solution), homogenize in an ice bath, centrifuger à 8000 g, 4°C pour 10 minutes; prends le surnageant (if the supernatant is not clear enough, it is recommended to repeat the above centrifugation steps) and place it on ice for testing.

II. Determination Steps

  1. Preheat the UV spectrophotometer for at least 30 minutes, ajuster la longueur d'onde à 340 nm, and zero with distilled water.
  2. Preheat Reagent One and Reagent Four at 37°C for 10 minutes before use.
  3. In a 1 mL quartz cuvette, ajouter 100 µL d'échantillon, 550 μL of Reagent One, 250 μL of Reagent Two working solution, 50 μL of Reagent Three, et 50 μL of Reagent Four in sequence. Mix thoroughly immediately and determine the absorbance A1 at 340 nm for 20 secondes. Place it in a 37°C water bath or incubator for 5 minutes to react, quickly remove it and wipe it dry, and determine the absorbance A2 at 5min20s. Record the absorbance A1 at 340 nm for 20 seconds and the absorbance A2 after 5 minutes. Calculate ΔA = A2 – A1.

III. Calculation of FDH Activity in Animal Tissue

  1. Calculation based on sample protein concentration:

Définition de l'unité: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the production of 1 nmol of NADH per minute per mg of tissue protein.

FDH (nmol/min/mg prot) =ΔA÷ (ε×d) ×VR÷ (VS×Cpr) ×109÷T×F=321.54×ΔA÷Cpr×F

  • ε: Molar extinction coefficient of NADH, 6220 L/mol/cm
  • d: Cuvette light path, 1 cm
  • Vtotal: Total reaction system volume, 0.001 L
  • Vsample: Sample volume added, 0.1 ml
  • Cpr: Concentration de protéines de l'échantillon, mg/ml
  • T: Temps de réaction, 5 min
  • F: Dilution factor
  1. Calculation based on sample weight:

Définition de l'unité: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the production of 1 nmol of NADH per minute per gram of tissue.

FDH enzyme activity (U/g wet weight) = ΔA ÷ (ε × d) × Vtotal × 10⁹ ÷ (Vsample × W ÷ Vtotal) × T × F = 321.54 × ΔA ÷ W × F


  • W: Poids de l'échantillon, g


  1. If the measured absorbance value A > 1.0 or ΔA > 0.5, it is recommended to dilute the sample with extraction solution before re-measurement and multiply the dilution factor in the calculation formula. If the measured absorbance value is low, it is recommended to increase the sample amount before re-measurement.
  2. Reagent Four is toxic. Please wear masks, gloves, and other protective equipment during the experiment.

Exemples expérimentaux:

  1. Peser 0.1 g of mouse heart tissue, ajouter 1 mL of extraction solution, homogenize in an ice bath, centrifuger à 8000 g, 4°C pour 10 minutes; collect the supernatant and place it on ice for testing. Use a 1 mL quartz cuvette and follow the assay steps to calculate ΔA = A2A1 = 0.626 – 0.301 = 0.325. According to the formula, calculate the FDH activity in mouse heart tissue:

FDH enzyme activity (U/g wet weight) = 321.54 × ΔA ÷ W × F = 1045 U/g wet weight

  1. Peser 0.1 g of mouse liver tissue, ajouter 1 mL of extraction solution, homogenize in an ice bath, centrifuger à 8000 g, 4°C pour 10 minutes; dilute the supernatant 10-fold, and place it on ice for testing. Use a 1 mL quartz cuvette and follow the assay steps to calculate ΔA = A2A1 = 0.224 – 0.136 = 0.088. According to the formula, calculate the FDH activity in mouse liver tissue:

FDH enzyme activity (U/g wet weight) = 321.54 × ΔA ÷ W × F = 2829.6 U/g wet weight

Related Series Products:

  • BC4970/BC4975 Plant Tissue Formaldehyde Dehydrogenase (FDH) Kit de test d'activité
  • BC4990/BC4995 Formaldehyde Dehydrogenase (FDH) Activity Assay Kit for Cells, Bacteria and Other Liquid Samples

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