Solarbio Pepsase Activity Assay Kit


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

DTE est une plateforme de commerce électronique basée en Chine, spécialisée dans la vente en ligne de tests moléculaires., ELISA, et produits associés.

  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
  • Éligible au retour ou au remplacement dans les 30 jours
  • méthodes de payement: PayPal ou carte de crédit sécurisé.



Validity Period6 mois
English NamePepsase Activity Assay Kit
Detection MethodSpectrophotomètre/lecteur de microplaques

Product Composition

Nom du réactifspécificationStorage Condition
Extraction SolutionLiquid 50 mL×1 bouteilleConserver à 4℃
Reagent OnePowder×1 bottleConserver à 4℃
Reagent TwoLiquid 15 mL×1 bouteilleConserver à 4℃
Reagent ThreePowder×1 bottleConserver à 4℃

Instructions for preparing the solutions:

  1. Solution One: Ajouter 10 mL of Reagent Two before use and dissolve completely.
  2. Solution Three: Ajouter 10 mL of distilled water before use and dissolve completely.

Description du produit:

  • Pepsin is secreted by the chief cells of the gastric mucosa and hydrolyzes proteins in food into small peptides. It is commonly used for the identification of hypochlorhydria, and reduced secretion of pepsin may also occur in conditions such as chronic gastritis, chronic gastric dilation, and chronic duodenitis.
  • Pepsin catalyzes the hydrolysis of hemoglobin, and the hydrolysis product tyrosine exhibits a characteristic absorption peak at 275nm. Enzyme activity is calculated by measuring the changes in absorbance.

Instruments and supplies required:

  • UV spectrophotometer/enzyme marker
  • Benchtop centrifuge
  • Water bath
  • Adjustable pipette
  • Micro quartz cuvette/96-well UV plate
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Ice
  • Eau distillée

Note: It is recommended to perform a pilot experiment with 2-3 samples showing significant expected differences before conducting the actual experiment. If the absorbance values of the samples are not within the measurement range, dilution or increasing the sample volume for detection is recommended.

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