Solarbio Ribulose 1 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygénase (Rubisco) Kit d'analyse


Expédition USD 45 - Gratuit sur USD 300

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  • Fabricant: Principales marques chinoises
  • Expédition: Expédition FedEx accélérée directement depuis les usines
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Note: Prélevez deux ou trois échantillons différents pour la prédiction avant le test.

Équipement d'exploitation: Spectrophotomètre

Chat non: BC0440



RéactifspécificationConditions de stockagePreparation Before Use
Extract Solution50 mL × 14℃
Réactif I50 mL × 14℃
Réactif IIPoudre × 1-20℃
Réactif IIIPoudre × 2-20℃Dissoudre avec 1 mL of distilled water before use; If turbidity appears after oscillation, centrifuge before use.
Réactif IVPoudre × 1-20℃Dissoudre avec 2 mL of distilled water before use.
Working SolutionAdd all Reagent I to Reagent II before use, bien mélanger, and incubate at 25℃ for 5 minutes.
Description du produit:
  • Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is a key enzyme in plant photosynthesis.
  • It controls carbon dioxide fixation and regulates the flow of carbon into the Calvin cycle and photorespiration cycle.
  • The activity of Rubisco directly influences the photosynthetic rate.
  • Rubisco catalyzes the combination of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate (RuBP) and carbon dioxide to produce 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA).
  • PGA is further converted into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, accompanied by NADH oxidation to form NAD+.
  • NADH absorbs light at 340 nm, while NAD+ does not.
  • In this kit, Rubisco activity is determined by measuring the decrease in NADH absorbance at 340 nm.

Réactifs et équipements requis mais non fournis:

Ultraviolet spectrophotometer, desk centrifuge, pipette réglable, bain d'eau, 1 mL quartz cuvette, mortier/homogénéisateur, glace, distilled water.


La préparation des échantillons:

    • Bacteria or Cells:
      • Collect bacteria or cells into a centrifuge tube and centrifuge to discard the supernatant.
      • Ajouter 1 mL of Extract solution to 5 million bacteria or cells.
      • Use ultrasonication (on ice, 20% pouvoir, 3 seconds on, 10 seconds off, repeated 30 fois) to lyse bacteria or cells.
      • Centrifuger à 10000 ×g pour 10 minutes at 4°C to remove insoluble materials and collect the supernatant on ice for testing.
    • Tissu:
      • Ajouter 1 mL of Extract solution to 0.1 g of tissue (preferably fresh plant samples) and homogenize on ice.
      • Centrifuger à 10000 ×g pour 10 minutes at 4°C to remove insoluble materials, and collect the supernatant on ice for testing.

Determination Procedure:

        • Preheat the UV spectrophotometer for 30 minutes and adjust the wavelength to 340 nm. Zero the instrument with distilled water.
        • Add the following reagents:
Réactif (µL)Tube à essai (T)Tube vierge (B)
distilled water100
Réactif III3535
Réactif IV3535
Solution de travail900900

Detect the absorbance at 340 nm at the time of 20s and 5min20s, record as A1 and A2 respectively. ΔA(T)=A2(T)-A1(T), ΔA(B)= A2(B)-A1(B), ΔA=ΔA(T)-ΔA(B). Kept at 25℃ during the reaction. Blank tubes only need to be tested once or twice.


Protein Concentration:

    • Unit Definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the production of 1 nmol of NADH per minute for every milligram of protein.
    • Rubisco (U/mg prot) Calcul:
      • Rubisco(U/mg prot) = [ΔA ÷ (ε×d) × 10^9 × Vrv] ÷ (Vs × Cpr) ÷ T
      • Rubisco(U/mg prot) = 344 × ΔA ÷ Cpr

Sample Weight:

    • Unit Definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the production of 1 nmol of NADH per minute for every gram of tissue.
    • Rubisco (U/g poids) Calcul:
      • Rubisco(U/g poids) = [ΔA ÷ (ε×d) × 10^9 × Vrv] ÷ (W ÷ Ve × Vs) ÷ T
      • Rubisco(U/g poids) = 344 × ΔA ÷ W

Bacteria or Cultured Cells:

    • Unit Definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the production of 1 nmol of NADH per minute for every 10,000 cells or bacteria.
    • Rubisco (U/10^4 cell) Calcul:
      • Rubisco(U/10^4 cell) = [ΔA ÷ (ε×d) × 10^9 × Vrv] ÷ (Vs ÷ Ve × 500) ÷ T
      • Rubisco(U/10^4 cell) = 0.69 × ΔA

Constants and Parameters:

  • ε: NADH molar extinction coefficient, 6.22 × 10^3 L/mol/cm
  • d: Light path of cuvette, 1 cm
  • Corde: Volume total de réaction, 1.07 × 10^-3 L
  • Contre: Supernatant volume, 0.1 ml
  • Ve: Extract solution added volume, 1 ml
  • Cpr: Concentration de protéines de l'échantillon (mg/ml)
  • T: Temps de réaction, 5 minutes
  • W: Poids de l'échantillon (g)
  • 500: 5 million cells or bacteria
  • 10^9: 1 mol = 10^9 nmol

Exemple expérimental:

Take 0.1g of plant leaves, ajouter 1 mL of Extract solution for homogenization, prends le surnageant, puis opérer selon les étapes de détermination.

Measure with micro quartz cuvette and calculate

ΔAT= AT1-AT2=1.279-1.206=0.073, ΔAB=AB1–AB2=0.834-0.823=0.011,

ΔA= ΔAT -ΔAB=0.073-0.011=0.062

Rubisco activity (U/g masse) = 344 × ΔA ÷ W =344×0.062÷0.1=213.28 U/g mass.

Produits connexes:

BC0310/BC0315 Coenzyme I NAD(H) Kit d'analyse de contenu

BC1030/BC1035 NAD Kinase (NADK) Kit de test d'activité

BC0630/BC0635 NADH Oxidase (NOX) Kit de test d'activité

BC1130/BC1135 NAD Malic Enzyme (NAD-ME) Kit de test d'activité

Informations Complémentaires


25T, 50T

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