Dithiothreitol (DTT)


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

Dithiothreitol, CAS: 3483-12-3

DTE je kineska platforma za e-trgovinu specijalizirana za online prodaju molekularnog testiranja, ELISA, i srodni proizvodi.

  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.



The product is the core raw material for nucleic acid extraction after strict screening and quality control. Dithiothreitol (DTT) is a small molecule organic reducing agent, which can break the disulfide bond between or within protein molecules. In the process of nucleic acid extraction, it can act as an antioxidant, replace highly toxic 2-hydrophobic ethanol, and inactivate RNase. DTT is easily oxidized by air and has poor stability. Low temperature storage of dry powder is conducive to prolonging its service life. DTT is also very unstable after dissolution, and fresh DTT solution is recommended for sensitive experiments.The company has been sub packed into small-size tubular reagents, which can be dissolved with water before use, which is very convenient for storage and use.


Tehnički podaci

Major functionAntioxidant, RNase denaturant, improve cracking ability
Recommended applicationNucleic acid extraction
CAS Numbers3483-12-3
Molecular Weight154.25
LevelMolecular Biology
AppearanceWhite solid

Ordering information

CAT.No.Product NamePackage
C12140Dithiothreitol, DTT1 g
C1214110 g
C12142100 g

Dodatne informacije

Težina0.65 kg

DTT 1 g, DTT 10 g, DTT 100 g

naziv marke

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