HiPure Circulating DNA Kit


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

DTE je kineska platforma za e-trgovinu specijalizirana za online prodaju molekularnog testiranja, ELISA, i srodni proizvodi.

  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.



  • Target: Short DNA fragments (<1000bp) in the blood (tumor markers, fetal DNA) or urine.
  • Efficiency: Purifies circulating nucleic acids from human biofluids (plasma, serum, urine).
  • Prijave: Extracted DNA is suitable for approved clinical diagnostic tests.


  • Optimized for short DNA analysis.
  • Works with various human fluids.
  • A larger format processes more samples (potentially higher DNA yield).
  • Directly usable in clinical tests.

This Midi Kit empowers researchers and clinical labs for applications in oncology, NIPT, and liquid biopsies.

Tehnički podaci

ZnačajkeTehnički podaci
Glavne funkcijeIsolation circulating DNA from 1-5ml plasma, serum, and body fluids using vacuum protocol
PrijaveqPCR, liquid or solid chip analysis, hybridization SNP detection, itd.
Metoda pročišćavanjaMini spin column
Tehnologija pročišćavanjaSilika tehnologija
Procesna metodaPriručnik (vacuum)
Vrsta uzorkaSerum, plasma, and other cell-free fluid samples
Količina uzorka1-5ml
Volumen eluacije≥50μl
Vrijeme po vožnji≤60 minuta
Nosivi volumen tekućine po stupcu4ml
Prinos vezivanja kolone1mg


This product offers a streamlined method for isolating DNA using silica column technology:

  1. Lysis and Digestion: The sample undergoes treatment with a special solution (lysate) and an enzyme (protease) to break open cells and degrade proteins, releasing DNA into the lysate.
  2. Binding to Silica: The lysate containing the DNA is transferred to a silica column. The silica membrane in the column selectively binds DNA molecules due to favorable interactions, while proteins and other impurities pass through.
  3. Washing: Wash buffers are passed through the column, removing unbound proteins and cellular debris that didn’t adhere to the silica.
  4. Elution: A low-salt buffer is used to elute (release) the purified DNA from the silica membrane. This disrupts the interaction between DNA and the silica, allowing the collection of purified DNA in a separate tube.

Key Advantages:

  • Efficient Purification: Silica column technology offers a fast and reliable process for isolating DNA from complex biological samples.
  • High-Purity DNA: The selective binding properties of the silica membrane ensure the purification of high-quality DNA, suitable for various downstream applications (PCR, etc.).
  • Simplified Workflow: The protocol involves minimal handling steps and centrifugation for user-friendly and efficient extraction.

This method provides a valuable tool for researchers working in various fields that require purified DNA for analysis.


  • Visok prinos – most optimal process, free DNA (>50bp) can be obtained to the maximum extent
  • High concentrationlow elution volume, ensuring high nucleic acid concentration
  • Visoka čistoća – low alcohol binding method, completely removing inhibitor and protein pollution
  • Visoki oporavak – DNA can be recovered at the level of PG by silica gel column purification

Sadržaj kompleta

Vremena pročišćavanja50
Buffer ACL250 ml
Buffer ACB*300 ml
Buffer DCW1*22 ml
Buffer DCW2*10 ml
Proteinaza K540 mg
Pufer za otapanje proteaze30 ml
Carrier RNA110 μg
Nuclease Free Water20 ml
HiPure CFDNA Mini Columns50
2 ml cijevi za prikupljanje100
Extender Tube50

Skladištenje i stabilnost

  • Proteinaza K & RNA Carrier: Fridge (2-8°C) for best results.
  • Other Kit Components: Room temperature (15-25°C) is good.
  • Storing Cold? Warm buffers up before use.

Experiment Data

Dodatne informacije

Težina0.7 kg

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