HiPure Tissue DNA Kit


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

DTE je kineska platforma za e-trgovinu specijalizirana za online prodaju molekularnog testiranja, ELISA, i srodni proizvodi.

  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.


Product Overview

  • Offers fast and easy methods for purification of total DNA.
  • Ensures reliable PCR and Southern blotting.
  • Capable of purifying various types of DNA, including genomic, viral, and mitochondrial.
  • Suitable for purification from tissue and cultured cells.

Tehnički podaci

ZnačajkeTehnički podaci
Glavne funkcijeIsolation of total DNA from <25 mg tissue, culture cells, FTA card
PrijavePCR, Southern Bolt virus detection, itd.
Metoda pročišćavanjaMini spin column
Tehnologija pročišćavanjaSilika tehnologija
Procesna metodaPriručnik (centrifugiranje ili vakuum)
Vrsta uzorkaAnimal tissue or cultured cells
Količina uzorkaAnimal tissue : <25mg, Cultured cells : <5 x 106
Volumen eluacije≥30μl
Vrijeme po vožnji30 – 60 minuta
Nosivi volumen tekućine po stupcu800μl
Prinos vezivanja kolone100μg


  • Utilizes silica column purification method.
  • Uzorak se lizira i probavlja lizatom i proteazom, releasing DNA into the lysate.
  • Lysate is transferred to an adsorption column.
  • Nukleinska kiselina se adsorbira na membrani, dok se protein ne adsorbira i uklanja se filtracijom.
  • Proteins and other impurities are washed away.
  • Nucleic acid is finally eluted with low-salt buffer (10mm Tris, pH 9.0, 0.5mm EDTA).


  • Dobra ponovljivost – suitable for extracting high-yield DNA from different types of tissue samples
  • Visoka čistoća – can be used for downstream applications such as multiplex and quantitative PCR
  • Fas t- simplified process, extracting several samples in 20 minuta (after digestion)
  • Safetyno phenol or chloroform extraction, no alcohol precipitation

Sadržaj kompleta

Vremena pročišćavanja50 Pripreme250 Pripreme
Buffer ATL15 ml65 ml
Buffer DL15 ml65 ml
Buffer GW122 ml110 ml
Međuspremnik GW212 ml50 ml
RNaza A10 mg50 mg
Proteinaza K24 mg120 mg
Pufer za otapanje proteaze5 ml15 ml
Međuspremnik AE15 ml60 ml
HiPure gDNA Mini Columns502 x 125
2 ml cijevi za prikupljanje1005 x 100

Skladištenje i stabilnost

  • RNase A and Proteinase K should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival.
  • Short-term storage at room temperature (15-25°C) for up to 24 weeks does not affect their performance.
  • Remaining kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15-25°C) i stabilni su najmanje 18 mjeseci pod ovim uvjetima.
  • Alternatively, the entire kit can be stored at 2-8°C, but buffers should be redissolved before use.
  • Ensure all buffers are at room temperature when used.

Dodatne informacije

Težina0.75 kg

HiPure Tissue DNA Kit 50 pripreme, HiPure Tissue DNA Kit 250 pripreme

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