HiPure Total RNA Kit 50T- IVD4121


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

DTE je kineska platforma za e-trgovinu specijalizirana za online prodaju molekularnog testiranja, ELISA, i srodni proizvodi.

  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.



This product offers a fast and reliable method to isolate RNA, including miRNA, from a wide range of samples:

  • Tissue
  • Cells
  • Blood
  • Other clinical samples

The extracted RNA is suitable for various downstream applications, including:

  • RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription PCR)
  • Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR)
  • Viral RNA detection
  • Other RNA-based analyses

This highlights the product’s versatility and compatibility with various research needs in gene expression analysis and RNA detection.

Tehnički podaci

ZnačajkeTehnički podaci
Glavne funkcijeIsolation of total RNA(miRNA)from tissue, and cell using two columns and DNase plus reagent
PrijaveRT-PCR, cDNA synthesis, second-generation sequencing
ProizvodiRNA, miRNA
Metoda pročišćavanjaMini spin column
Tehnologija pročišćavanjaSilika tehnologija
Procesna metodaPriručnik (centrifugiranje ili vakuum)
Vrsta uzorkaClinical tissues, cells, lymphocytes
Količina uzorkaTissue: <20 mg

Cells: <5 x 106

Volumen eluacije≥30μl
Vrijeme po vožnji≤25 minutes


  • Purification Method: Silica column purification is employed in this product for effective nucleic acid extraction.
  • Paraffin Removal: Buffer DPS is utilized to remove paraffin from the samples prior to the purification process.
  • Sample Lysis and Digestion: The sample lysis process, coupled with proteinase K digestion, takes only 15 minuta, ensuring rapid processing.
  • Incubation Conditions: Following lysis, samples are subjected to a 15-minute incubation at 80°C to facilitate optimal nucleic acid release.
  • Nucleic Acid Adsorption: Transfer of the lysed samples to an adsorption column allows RNA to adsorb onto the membrane selectively, while proteins remain unadsorbed and are removed through filtration.
  • Washing Step: Proteins and other impurities are washed away from the membrane to enhance the purity of the extracted RNA.
  • Elution: Finally, RNA is eluted from the membrane using a low-salt buffer, ensuring efficient recovery of high-quality RNA.


  • Efficient DNA removalOne-step RNA extraction can effectively remove genomic DNA
  • High qualityone-step RNA extraction reagent combined with silica gel column can obtain the highest concentration
  • Brzo – the whole extraction only takes 15-25 minuta
  • Nontoxicno toxic phenol-chloroform extraction is required in the extraction

Sadržaj kompleta

Vremena pročišćavanja50 Pripreme
HiPure DNA Mini Column Ⅱ50
HiPure RNA Mini Columns50
2ml cijevi za prikupljanje150
Proteinaza K24 mg
Pufer za otapanje proteaze1.8 ml
DNase I600 μl
DNase Buffer6 ml
Buffer RTL40 ml
RNA Digestion Buffer15 ml
Buffer RWC*20 ml
Buffer RW2*20 ml
Nuclease Free Water10 ml

Skladištenje i stabilnost

  • Proteinase K Storage: Store Proteinase K at 2–8°C upon arrival. Short-term storage (do 8 tjedni) na sobnoj temperaturi (15–25°C) is acceptable without affecting its performance.
  • DNase I Storage: Store DNase I at -20°C. Short-term storage (do 1 week) na sobnoj temperaturi (15–25°C) ne utječe na njegovu izvedbu.
  • Remaining Kit Components Storage: Preostale komponente kita mogu se čuvati na sobnoj temperaturi (15–25°C) and remain stable for at least 18 mjeseci pod ovim uvjetima.

Dodatne informacije

Težina0.7 kg
naziv marke

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