
MagPure Plasmid EF Mini Kit


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

Isolation of up to 15μg endotoxin-free plasmid DNA from 1-5ml bacterial culture

DTE je kineska platforma za e-trgovinu specijalizirana za online prodaju molekularnog testiranja, ELISA, i srodni proizvodi.

  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.



The MagPure Plasmid purification system uses the paramagnetic bead technology for high-throughput preparation of high-copy or low-copy plasmid DNA from E. coli cells. This kit also can be used with fosmid and BAC vector-based constructs. The system uses alkaline lysis followed by a MagPure purification to differentially bind plasmid DNA to paramagnetic beads. While the DNA is bound to the beads, contaminants can be rinsed away using a simple washing procedure. Because MagPure uses magnetic separation technology, the protocol does not require vacuum filtration. This makes kit extremely amenable to automation. Plasmid DNA purified with this system is most commonly used in Sanger Sequencing and PCR amplification.


Tehnički podaci

ZnačajkeTehnički podaci
Glavne funkcijeIsolation up to 15μg endotoxin free plasmid DNA from 1-5ml bacterial culture
PrijaveEnzyme digestion, sequencing, PCR and labeling, itd.
Tehnologija pročišćavanjaTehnologija magnetskih kuglica
Procesna metodaRučno ili automatski
Vrsta uzorkaKonvencionalni plazmid, plasmid≤30KB
Količina uzorka1-5ml
Volumen eluacije≥50μl
Vrijeme po vožnji≤80 minutes


This product is based on the purification method of high-binding magnetic particles. The sample is lysed and digested under the action of lysate and Lysozyme. DNK se oslobađa u lizat. After adding magnetic particles and binding solution, DNA will be adsorbed on the surface of magnetic particles, and impurities such as proteins will be removed without adsorption. The adsorbed particles were washed with a washing solution to remove proteins and impurities, washed with ethanol to remove salts, and finally, DNA was eluted with an Elution Buffer.


  • Visoka čistoća – pročišćeni plazmid može se izravno koristiti u sekvenciranju, enzyme digestion PCR, itd.
  • Brzo – it takes only 80 minutes to complete the isolation
  • Visok prinos – up to 15μg plasmid can be bound in one column
  • Economicexcellent cost-effectiveness performance

Sadržaj kompleta

Vremena pročišćavanja100 Pripreme500 Pripreme5000 Pripreme
RNaza A10 mg30 mg2 x 160 mg
Buffer P130 ml150 ml2 x 800 ml
Buffer P230 ml150 ml2 x 800 ml
Buffer LEN320 ml80 ml800 ml
Buffer LN490 ml400 ml4 x 980 ml
MagPure Particles3.5 ml17 ml3 x 60 ml

Skladištenje i stabilnost

RNase A and MagPure Particles should be stored at 2–8°C upon arrival. Međutim, kratkotrajno skladištenje (do 12 tjedni) na sobnoj temperaturi (15–25°C) ne utječe na njegovu izvedbu. Preostale komponente kita mogu se čuvati na suhom na sobnoj temperaturi (15–25°C) i stabilni su najmanje 18 mjeseci pod ovim uvjetima. Cijeli komplet može se čuvati na 2–8°C, but in this case, buffers should be redissolved before use. Provjerite jesu li svi puferi na sobnoj temperaturi kada se koriste. Ako se u puferima stvori bilo kakav talog, zagrijte na 37 ℃ da se otopi. After the addition of RNase A, Međuspremnik P1 je stabilan za 6 months when stored at

Dodatne informacije

Težina0.7 kg

MagPure Plasmid EF Mini Kit 100 pripreme, MagPure Plasmid EF Mini Kit 500 pripreme, MagPure Plasmid EF Mini Kit 5000 pripreme

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