Parrot Beak and Feather Disease Virus (PBFDV) Nucleic Acid Test Kit


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

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  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.


Note: This product needs to be packed with ice bags and shipped through FedEx or UPS.
It will arrive within 7-10 dana. The shipping fee is included in the product price.

Product introduction

This test kit is designed to amplify and detect the conserved gene of the Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease Virus (PBFDV) in samples such as bird feathers, blood, tissues, oral swabs, and cloacal swabs. Introducing an endogenous internal reference, it allows for monitoring of the nucleic acid extraction and amplification processes, ensuring the accuracy of the detection results.

Product contents

Reagent componentsAP2304002-01(24T)AP2304002-02(48T)
PBFDV reaction solution23µL/well×8wells/strip×3strips23µL/well×8wells/strip×6stips
PBFDV Positive control100μL100μL
Negative control100μL100μL

Storage conditions

Store at -20℃, the shelf life is at least 12 months

Experimental operation

1. Sample preparation (Sample preparation area)

1.1 Sample requirements

Feathers: Collect a minimum of 5 feathers from the chest, abdomen, or legs (including the feather shaft portion), and do not use naturally shed feathers.

Blood: Use EDTA as an anticoagulant, do not use heparin as an anticoagulant. Fresh whole blood should be used, or it can be stored at 2~8℃ for up to 7 dana, or stored at -20℃ for up to 3 months. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing as much as possible.

Tissue: Take fresh muscle or organ tissue (avoid using samples with skin, tendons, or fascia that are difficult to process) of no more than 100mg. Prepare tissue homogenate using 200-500μL of sterile water, and then proceed with subsequent sample preparation.

1.2 Sample preparation

Please refer to the manual of the Three Lions BiotechAnimal Genomic DNA Rapid Extraction Kit (za PCR analysis)” (Part Number: DP202), or other nucleic acid extraction kits/methods that meet the relevant requirements, for the extraction of processed samples. Place the extracted sample nucleic acid in an icebox and try to proceed with the testing promptly. It can be stored at 4°C for up to 7 days or at -20°C for up to 6 months.

2 . Preparation of reaction system (Reaction area for adding samples).

2.1 Remove n+2 reaction tubes (n representing the number of test samples) containing PBFDV positive control, negative control, and the required PBFDV reaction solution. Thaw the reagents completely at room temperature, centrifuge for 10 seconds, and then centrifuge the liquid inside the tube walls and caps to the bottom. Store the tubes in an icebox for later use.

2.2 Add 2μL of negative control, extracted sample nucleic acid, and PBFDV positive control in sequence to the reaction solution. Close the tube caps tightly, make necessary records, and ensure that each reaction has a total volume of 25μL. Thoroughly mix the contents and centrifuge for 10 seconds before conducting the amplification experiment on the PCR machine.

3. PCR amplification (Amplification and product analysis area).

The PCR amplification process is as follows: Pre-denaturation at 95℃ for 3 minuta; Denaturation at 95℃ for 10 seconds, Annealing and extension at 60℃ for 40 seconds, for a total of 35 cycles. Collect fluorescence signals at 60℃. In the fluorescence detection, select FAM for the first channel (for APV-specific gene), and select VIC/HEX for the second channel (for endogenous reference gene). If using an ABI series real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument, you may contact the manufacturer in advance or add ROX calibration dye by yourself if needed; otherwise, follow the normal procedure.

4. Result determination

4.1 If the Ct values of the positive control in both the FAM channel and the VIC/HEX channel are <30 and show an “S”-shaped amplification curve, and the negative control has no Ct value or a Ct value ≥35 and no “S”-shaped amplification curve, the experimental result is valid. Otherwise, the experiment should be repeated, and if the repeat experiment is still invalid, please contact the technical personnel.

4.2 The Ct value of the sample in the VIC/HEX channel should be ≤32 and show an “S”-shaped amplification curve, indicating that the sample extraction and amplification are effective. If there is no Ct value or the Ct value is 32 < Ct ≤ 35 in the VIC/HEX channel, it indicates that the sample nucleic acid extraction is not up to standard or there is strong inhibition interference (such as residues of alcohol or disinfectants, anticoagulants, etc.) that inhibits amplification. It is recommended to reprocess the sample for nucleic acid extraction and amplification.

4.3 After the detection in the VIC/HEX channel is valid, the determination in the FAM channel is performed as follows:

  • Ct value ≤ 32 and an “S”-shaped amplification curve is observed, it is determined as positive for APV, indicating the presence of APV virus in the sample.
  • Ct value is 32 < Ct < 35, it is considered suspicious, and the sample should be retested (by re-extracting and testing the nucleic acid, it is suggested to first excludefalse-positiveresults caused by environmental aerosol contamination). If the retest in the FAM channel after excluding aerosol contamination shows a Ct value < 35 and a clear amplification curve, it is determined as positive for APV; otherwise, it is determined as negative.
  • No Ct value or Ct value ≥ 35 and no “S”-shaped amplification curve, it is determined as negative for APV, indicating that the APV virus was not detected in the sample.


1)To prevent contamination, the experiment should be conducted strictly with partitioned operations. It is preferable to have physical isolation between partitions to avoid cross-contamination caused by human factors. Wear lab coats and latex gloves during the experiment, and use separate tools in different areas. Change gloves and lab coats as needed. After the PCR, do not open the lids immediately. Wait for sufficient cooling before opening for sampling to minimize aerosol contamination.

2)Thaw the reagents completely before use, but avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Follow the instructions strictly for reagent preparation, sample addition, and other steps. The workbench, centrifuge, pipettes, and other instruments should be regularly disinfected using chlorine-containing disinfectants, ethanol, nucleic acid contamination removal agents, or ultraviolet lamps.

3)A negative result does not necessarily mean a male. Unknown mutations, poor sample quality, low concentration, or the presence of strong inhibitory substances in the nucleic acid extraction (testing) can also lead tonegativeresults. This kit is only used for the specific amplification of the CHD-W gene in parrots. For other products, please consult the manufacturer.

4)This product is for single use only. Do not repeatedly freeze and thaw. It is for scientific research purposes only and should not be used for clinical diagnosis or other purposes.

Dodatne informacije

Težina0.75 kg

24T, 48T

naziv marke


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