Sanshibio GS 5000 DNA ladder


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

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GS 5000 DNA ladder

Item NoDA017 Specifiation250μL Storage:-20℃

Product introduction

GS 5000 DNA ladder is a DNA solution pre-loaded with 1× Loading Buffer, allowing for convenient direct electrophoresis with a 5μL sample volume. Comprising 9 linear double-stranded DNA fragments, each band of the ladder contains approximately 50ng when 5μL is loaded, with the bright bands reaching around 120ng. Following electrophoresis on GelRed and GelGreen gels, the DNA bands exhibit sharp clarity, excellent gel lane background, high and uniform brightness, and the absence of anomalies such as trailing or smearing.

Product contents

GS 5000 DNA ladder250μL5× 250μL


Store at -20℃ for long-term preservation. After opening, please use as soon as possible to avoid contamination and repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Usage precautions:


  1. When the well width for electrophoresis is less than 6mm, clear bands can be obtained by loading 5μL of the product for each run. If the well width increases, it is necessary to appropriately increase the amount of Marker product.
  2. For DNA electrophoresis, the purity of Agarose has a significant impact on the clarity of DNA bands. Therefore, it is recommended to choose high-quality Agarose with a gel concentration of 1%-2%, and there is a relatively lower requirement for gel concentration.
  3. The GS series DNA ladder is compatible with high-molecular-weight nucleic acid stains, such as GelRed (including various GelRed modified nucleic acid stains) and GelGreen gel staining. For small-molecule nucleic acid stains like EB, Goldview, using the GS series DNA ladder may result in migration rate differences, so it is advisable to choose our company’s conventional DNA Marker series.

Agarose Electrophoresis Map

1.2%Agarose gel electrophoresis image

GS 5000 DNA ladder
GS 5000 DNA ladder

Dodatne informacije


50T, 250T

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