Solarbio Nuclear Extraction Kit


Dostava USD 45 - Besplatno preko USD 300

DTE je kineska platforma za e-trgovinu specijalizirana za online prodaju molekularnog testiranja, ELISA, i srodni proizvodi.

  • Proizvođač: Vodeći kineski brendovi
  • dostava: Ubrzana isporuka FedExom izravno iz tvornica
  • Ispunjava uvjete za povrat ili zamjenu unutar 30 dana
  • Metode Plačanja: Osigurajte PayPal ili kreditnu karticu.


Cat NumberSN0020
StorageStored at 4 °C for short storage. For longer storage, the kit can be stored at -20 °C or -80 °C.

Kit Components

Lysis Buffer100ml200ml
Reagent A2.5ml5ml
Medium Buffer25ml50ml
Store Buffer5ml10ml

Product Description

  • Isolates pure nuclei from animal cells and tissues (soft: liver/brain, hard: mišića, cultured)
  • Prijave: cell death (apoptosis), signaling, metabolism & protein studies
  • Nuclei free from protein & nuclease contamination


Sample Preparation:

  • Tissues:
    • Take 100-200mg fresh tissue (liver, brain, heart)
    • Wash with PBS/saline, dry, cut into small pieces
    • Homogenize with 1ml pre-cooled Ly10is buffer & 50µL Reagent A (ice bath, 20x)
  • Cultured Cells:
    • Digest and wash cells
    • Centrifuga (5-10min, 800g), discard supernatant, collect & count cells
    • Resuspend 5×10^7 cells in 1ml pre-cooled Lysis Buffer
    • Add 50µL Reagent A, homogenize (ice bath, 20-30x)

Nuclear Isolation:

  1. Transfer homogenate to a 1.5ml centrifuge tube.
  2. Centrifuga (5min, 700g, 4°C), discard supernatant (nuclear pellet remains).
  3. Resuspend nuclear pellet with 0.5ml pre-cooled Lysis Buffer.
  4. Transfer to a new tube containing 0.5ml Medium Buffer (layered carefully).
  5. Centrifuga (5min, 700g, 4°C), discard supernatant (nuclear pellet remains).
  6. Resuspend nuclear pellet with 5ml Medium Buffer.
  7. Centrifuga (10min, 1000g, 4°C), discard supernatant (purified nuclei pellet).


  • Resuspend purified nuclei in 50-100μl Store Buffer or desired buffer.
  • Nuclei are ready for use or can be stored at -70°C


Ensuring Complete Nuclei:

  1. Low Temperature: Perform the entire procedure at a low temperature.
  2. Speed: Work quickly throughout the process.
  3. Cell Disruption: The key is to break cells without damaging organelles.
    • Tissues: Use a small-capacity glass homogenizer with a tight-fitting pestle for efficient homogenization.
    • Cultured Cells: Breaking adherent cells is more challenging. Utilize the small homogenizer and tight pestle for optimal results.


  • Calculate the correct centrifugal speed (RPM) based on the desired relative centrifugal force (RCF or g-force) using the formula:
    • G = 1.11 x 10^-5 x R x (RPM)^2
    • G: RCF (g)
    • RPM: Rotations per Minute (squared)
    • R: Rotor Radius (cm)

Downstream Applications:

    • For Western Blot and 2D-PAGE, directly lyse the nuclear sample by adding loading buffer.

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Dodatne informacije


50T, 100T

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