What is a Centrifuge? How many Types?

What is a Centrifuge

A centrifuge is an essential laboratory equipment used to separate components of a mixture or solution by applying centrifugal force. This force pushes denser substances to the bottom while allowing lighter components to remain at the top.

Centrifuges operate on the principle of centrifugation, which relies on centrifugal force to sediment particles suspended within a liquid medium. When a sample is loaded into a centrifuge tube and spun rapidly, the centrifugal force generated causes the denser materials to migrate outward. Meanwhile, lighter constituents remain closer to the central rotation axis. This allows efficient separation based on density differences.

How Does a Centrifuge Work?

The key components of a laboratory centrifuge include:

  • Centrifuge tubeHolds the sample mixture during centrifugation. Common tube sizes range from 0.2 ml to 250 ml.
  • RotorRotates the tubes at high speeds, generating centrifugal force. Different rotors accommodate various tube sizes.
  • MotorSpins the rotor and tubes at preset revolutions per minute (RPMs). More powerful motors equate to greater centrifugal force.
  • Temperature controlMaintains the desired temperature during runs. Cooling prevents sample degradation.
  • Odbrojavanje vremena – Sets spin duration from seconds to hours depending on separation needs.
  • Braking systemAllows gradual deceleration to avoid sample remixing after runs.

During operation, the loaded centrifuge tubes are rapidly spun by the rotor, which is connected to the motor. As RPMs build, immense centrifugal force is exerted on the sample mixture, forcing denser materials to the outer edges of the tube. The result is a compact pellet at the bottom composed of heavy particles while lighter constituents remain suspended in the supernatant liquid.

The high rotational speeds generate intense centrifugal force, enabling efficient separation of materials based on density differences. This makes centrifugation an indispensable technique across science and medicine.

How many Types of Centrifuges?

There are several types of centrifuges to handle different sample volumes and separation needs:

Benchtop Centrifuges

are Compact standalone units designed for routine low-volume separations in the lab. Common models include

  • MicrocentrifugesProcess microcentrifuge tubes holding 0.2 to 2 ml samples at up to 30,000 x g force. Widely used for DNA, RNA, and protein extraction.
  • Minicentrifuges Accommodate 15 ml conical tubes and some smaller sizes. Generous speed range allows flexible protocols.
  • Multipurpose CentrifugesOffer rotor combinations to spin both microcentrifuge and 15 ml tubes.

Floor Model Centrifuges

Large centrifuge systems intended for high-volume separations. Examples include:

  • UltracentrifugesReach extreme speeds exceeding 100,000 x g force. Used for density gradient separations and protein purifications.
  • Preparative CentrifugesProvide high-capacity continuous flow separation of cells, organelles, or proteins.
  • Blood Bank CentrifugesSpecialized for blood fractionation and component processing.
  • Clinical CentrifugesDesigned for centrifuging blood samples, urinalysis, i PCR tubes in hospital labs.

Centrifuge Tube Types

Centrifuge tubes are designed to withstand immense forces during centrifugation. Common varieties include:

  • Microcentrifuge tubesHold 0.2 to 2 ml. Made of polypropylene.
  • CryovialsSimilar to microcentrifuge tubes but can withstand ultra-low temperatures for sample storage.
  • Conical tubesLarger 15 and 50-ml tubes suited for pelleting cells and proteins. Typically made of polypropylene.
  • Ultracentrifuge tubesWithstand forces above 100,000 x g. Require specialized rotors.
  • Bottle assembliesLarger containers encased in a metal housing for preparative separations.

The tube material is vital, as certain plastics distort under centrifugal force while others crack at ultra-low temperatures. Polypropylene offers resilience across a wide range of conditions.

Centrifuge Rotors

Centrifuge Rotors

Rotors are the centrifugal force-generating components that spin the tubes. Their shape influences separation efficiency and speed capabilities:

  • Swinging bucketHinged buckets pivot outward during centrifugation to remain parallel with the centrifugal force vector. This improves separation while allowing the use of common tube types. Međutim, maximum speeds are lower compared to fixed-angle rotors.
  • Fixed-angleSample tubes remain at a preset angle inside the rotor chamber. This allows very high speeds for rapid separations but requires tubes engineered to withstand the strain.
  • VerticalDesigned for high throughput blood cell preparations. Sample tubes are oriented vertically in rows along the rotor circumference.
  • ZonalUsed for density gradient separations. Tubes remain vertical during runs to preserve gradient layers.

Rotor selection depends on tube compatibility, sample volumes, and desired separation speed. Larger-volume applications generally demand swinging buckets or zonal rotors, while fixed-angle designs are preferred for microcentrifuge tubes.

The rotor is the force-generating engine of the centrifuge. Its shape and tube orientation impact separation speed, efficiency, and compatibility with various tube types.

What are Centrifuge Safety Measures?

Rapid rotation makes centrifuges potentially hazardous:

  • Imbalanced loadsCause severe vibrations and potential rotor failure. Samples must be symmetrically loaded to balance centripetal forces.
  • BiohazardsInfectious samples can aerosolize during high-speed runs. Tubes must be securely sealed before centrifuging hazardous materials.
  • Mechanical failuresSudden stops under load can detach rotors. Equipment should undergo routine maintenance and inspection.
  • UltracentrifugesPose serious implosion dangers due to tremendous vacuum forces. Strict protocols must govern their operation and sample preparation.

Međutim, modern centrifuges incorporate a range of safety features:

  • Imbalance detectorsPrevent startup when improperly loaded. Some systems automatically balance tubes across the rotor.
  • Acceleration/deceleration controlAllows slow rotor spin up and gradual stops to reduce strain.
  • Interlock lidsCentrifuge cannot operate with the lid open, preventing Potential aerosolization.

With responsible operation and adherence to safety protocols, centrifuges provide an extremely versatile, efficient, and reliable separation method.

Centrifuge tubes

What are the Applications of Centrifugation?

Centrifugation is commonly used in science and medicine:

Clinical Applications

  • Blood fractionationSeparates components like red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma for transfusion medicine.
  • Urine analysisSpins down sediments for microscopic examination to assess kidney function.
  • PCRAllows collection of precipitated DNA from polymerase chain reactions for genotyping and other molecular biology techniques.

Biomedical Research Applications

  • Subcellular fractionationSeparates organelles like nuclei, mitochondria, and cell membranes from homogenized cells and tissues. Enables detailed study of cell biology.
  • Protein purificationSpins down recombinant proteins from cell lysates during expression and isolation.
  • Virus purificationConcentrates viruses from cell cultures to allow characterization and vaccine development.
  • ImmunoprecipitationsSediments antibody-bound antigens in solution for analysis.

Industrial Applications

  • Wastewater treatmentRemoves solids from industrial and municipal waste streams.
  • Food processingManufactures products like skim milk by removing fats and sediments.
  • Fuel productionHarvests algae for biofuels. Dewaters cellulose for ethanol production.

Scientific Applications

  • DNA/RNA extractionRapidly sediments nucleic acids from cell lysates for molecular biology.
  • Protein interactionsAssesses complex formation via co-sedimentation on density gradients.
  • Enzyme assaysSeparates reactants from products to calculate reaction rates.
  • CosmologyPrepares density gradients to study meteor compositions in astrophysics.

Centrifugation is an important tool enabling scientific discovery, life-saving clinical diagnostics, and wide-ranging manufacturing processes.

What are the Benefits of Centrifugation?

Centrifuges offer unique separation abilities:

  • EfficiencySingle runs take minutes compared to hours for gravity sedimentation.
  • ResolutionSharp separations between minute density differences.
  • FlexibilityInterchangeable rotors and tubes allow optimization for any sample type.
  • AutomationProgrammable speed, temperature, and braking control enables walk-away convenience.
  • Oporavak – Separated components remain accessible in tubes after runs.
  • Versatility Can process complex real-world samples like blood, wastewater, and food emulsions.
  • SensitivityTrace molecules are concentrated into clearly defined bands or pellets.
  • RobustnessWithstands daily use across diverse separation needs.

While alternative separation techniques exist, centrifugation provides an unmatched combination of speed, precision, scale, and flexibility for routine separations. Modern centrifuge systems are highly automated, maximizing convenience while minimizing hands-on processing time. For scientists and clinicians, centrifuges are absolutely indispensable tools that underpin daily research and diagnostic activities.


The centrifuge is an essential separation tool relying on centrifugal force to efficiently fractionate liquid mixtures and solutions. Various centrifuge tube sizes and rotor designs allow careful optimization of protocols. From delicate protein purifications to high-volume bioprocessing, centrifuges provide unmatched versatility across diverse disciplines and applications. While deceptively simple in principle, centrifuges drive innovation and discovery through their unmatched ability to manipulate samples based on subtle density differences.


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