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What is cfDNA? cfDNA Extraction and Purification

Imagine if a simple blood test could reveal the secrets hidden within your cells, unlocking insights about your health and potentially life-threatening conditions. This is the reality with cell-free DNA (cfDNA) – fragments of DNA that circulate in the bloodstream, offering a non-invasive window into the body’s inner workings. From detecting early cancer signs to monitoring pregnancy and organ transplants, cfDNA is revolutionizing disease detection and management. Međutim, utilizing its full potential relies on efficient extraction and purification techniques.

What is Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA)?

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) refers to small fragments of DNA that circulate freely in bodily fluids, such as blood plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid. These fragments range from 50 to 300 base pairs in length and originate from various sources, including dying cells and active secretion by living cells.

The presence of cfDNA in the bloodstream is a natural phenomenon that occurs in healthy individuals and those with certain medical conditions. Međutim, in cases of cancer, pregnancy, and other pathological states, the concentration and composition of cfDNA can change significantly, making it a valuable biomarker for disease detection, monitoring, and management.

Where Does cfDNA Come From?

cfDNA can arise from different cellular processes, primarily:

  1. Apoptosis: Programmed cell death, during which the cell’s DNA is fragmented and packaged into apoptotic bodies for removal.
  2. Necrosis is uncontrolled cell death that leads to the release of larger DNA fragments due to incomplete digestion of genomic DNA.
  3. NETosis is a process in which neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) containing DNA to trap and neutralize pathogens.
  4. Active Secretion: Living cells can spontaneously release newly synthesized DNA, potentially serving a homeostatic function.

Why is cfDNA Important?

The analysis of cfDNA has numerous applications in various fields, including:

  1. Cancer Diagnostics: Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), a specific type of cfDNA released by cancer cells, can provide valuable information about the tumor’s genetic and epigenetic characteristics, guiding personalized treatment strategies and monitoring disease progression.
  2. Prenatal Testing: The presence of fetal-specific cfDNA in the mother’s bloodstream enables non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal sex determination, genetic inheritance, and chromosomal abnormalities.
  3. Organ Transplant Monitoring: Donor-specific cfDNA can be used to monitor the health of transplanted organs and detect potential rejection episodes in recipients.
  4. Infection Detection: Viral or bacterial cfDNA can aid in the identification of causative agents in sepsis and other infectious diseases.

What Are the Different Types of cfDNA?

While cfDNA originates from various cellular sources, certain types are particularly relevant in clinical contexts:

  1. Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA): Released by cancer cells, ctDNA harbors genetic and epigenetic alterations specific to the tumor, making it a valuable biomarker for cancer diagnostics, treatment monitoring, and minimal residual disease detection.
  2. Cell-Free Fetal DNA (cffDNA): During pregnancy, a fraction of the cfDNA in maternal circulation originates from the placenta and fetus, enabling non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal genetic conditions.
  3. Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNA (ccf mtDNA): Mitochondrial DNA released from various cell types can be a biomarker for certain diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and inflammatory conditions.
  4. Donor-Derived cfDNA (dd-cfDNA): In organ transplant recipients, donor-specific cfDNA can indicate graft injury or rejection, aiding post-transplant monitoring.

What is cfDNA Extraction, and Why is it Important?

cfDNA extraction is isolating and purifying cfDNA fragments from biological samples, such as blood plasma or serum. It is a crucial step in liquid biopsy workflows, as the quality and quantity of extracted cfDNA directly impact downstream analyses, such as PCR, digital PCR, and next-generation sequencing (NGS).

Efficient cfDNA extraction is challenging due to the low concentration of cfDNA in biological fluids and the presence of interfering substances, such as proteins and other cellular components. Moreover, the short half-life of cfDNA (estimated to be between 16 minutes and 2.5 sati) necessitates rapid and sensitive extraction methods.

How to Extract cfDNA?

Several techniques have been developed for cfDNA extraction, including organic extraction, Chelex extraction, and solid-phase extraction using magnetic beads. One popular approach is magnetic bead-based kits, which offer automation-friendly workflows and efficient capture of low-abundance cfDNA fragments.

A typical cfDNA extraction workflow using magnetic beads involves the following steps:

  1. Sample Lysis: The biological sample (e.g., plasma or serum) is treated with a lysis buffer to release the cfDNA fragments.
  2. Binding and Capture: Magnetic beads with specialized surface chemistry are added to the sample, allowing the cfDNA fragments to bind to the beads.
  3. Washing and Purification: The bead-bound cfDNA is separated from the sample using a magnetic rack, and unbound materials are removed through a series of wash steps.
  4. Elution: The purified cfDNA is eluted from the beads in a small elution buffer, ready for downstream applications.

Advanced cfDNA extraction kits offer features such as high recovery efficiency, compatibility with automation systems, and the ability to co-isolate cfDNA and cell-free RNA (cfRNA) simultaneously, enabling comprehensive liquid biopsy analyses.

Benefits of Efficient cfDNA Extraction

Efficient cfDNA extraction is crucial for accurate and reliable liquid biopsy analyses, offering several benefits:

  1. Increased Sensitivity: Improved recovery of low-abundance cfDNA fragments, enhancing the detection of rare genetic and epigenetic biomarkers.
  2. Higher Reproducibility: Consistent and reliable results, enabling robust comparisons between samples and time points.
  3. Compatibility with Downstream Applications: High-quality cfDNA samples are essential for successful PCR, digital PCR, and NGS analyses.
  4. Comprehensive Biomarker Analysis: Co-isolation of cfDNA and cfRNA allows for investigating a broader range of biomarkers, including DNA methylation, gene expression, and miRNA profiles.

How Sensitive Are cfDNA Extraction Methods?

The sensitivity of cfDNA extraction methods is crucial, as cfDNA typically constitutes a small fraction of the total cell-free nucleic acids in biological fluids. Advanced extraction kits and protocols aim to maximize the recovery of low-abundance cfDNA fragments, even when present at sub-nanogram levels per millilitre of plasma or serum.

Factors that contribute to the sensitivity of cfDNA extraction include:

  • The efficiency of the lysis step.
  • The binding capacity and specificity of the solid-phase extraction matrix (e.g., magnetic beads).
  • The ability to concentrate the eluted cfDNA into small volumes.


cfDNA represents a valuable source of biomarkers for various clinical applications, including cancer diagnostics, prenatal testing, and transplant monitoring. Efficient cfDNA extraction is critical in unlocking the potential of liquid biopsies, enabling researchers and clinicians to gain insights into disease states and guide personalized treatment strategies.

As liquid biopsy continues to evolve, advancements in cfDNA extraction techniques and improvements in downstream analytical methods hold the promise of revolutionizing disease detection, monitoring, and management, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes.

Martin Wong

The author holds a Ph.D. in Life Sciences from China Agricultural University, is a renowned biological lecturer in China, and is the founder of DTE. Recognized with awards, he actively engages in academia and mentors the next generation of students, achieving success both academically and socially.

Published by
Martin Wong

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