
Manik-manik CleanSeq


Pengiriman Rp 45 - Gratis lebih dari USD 300

DTE adalah platform e-niaga berbasis di Tiongkok yang mengkhususkan diri dalam penjualan pengujian molekuler secara online, ELISA, dan produk terkait.

  • Pabrikan: Merek Cina terkemuka
  • Pengiriman: Pengiriman FedEx yang dipercepat langsung dari pabrik
  • Memenuhi syarat untuk pengembalian atau penggantian dalam waktu 30 hari
  • cara Pembayaran: Amankan PayPal atau kartu kredit.



  • Teknologi: Utilizes paramagnetic bead technology for rapid and high-performance dye-terminator removal.
  • No Centrifugation or Filtration: Eliminates the need for centrifugation or filtration steps, simplifying the purification process.
  • Manual or Automated: This can be performed manually or fully automated for high-throughput applications, providing flexibility in workflow.
  • Improved Sequencing Results: Produces sequences with longer Phred 20 read lengths and higher signal intensities compared to similar purification systems.
  • Enhanced Performance: Offers superior performance in terms of sequence quality and signal intensity, enhancing downstream analysis and interpretation.


Fungsi utamaRemoval of free fluorescent dye from sequencing solution (Replace Beckmen or Agincourt CleanSeq)
AplikasiAutomated sequences
Teknologi pemurnianMagnetic beads technology
Metode prosesManual or automatic
Jenis sampelDNA doped with fluorescent dye
Jumlah sampel5μl
Volume elusi≥25μl
Operation time≤50 minutes


CleanSeq offers a rapid and efficient method for purifying sequencing reaction products, ideal for applications like Sanger sequencing.

  • Magnetic Bead Technology: Utilizes magnetic particles within an optimized binding buffer to selectively capture desired DNA fragments.
  • In-Plate Purification: The entire protocol can be performed directly in the thermal cycling plate, eliminating the need for transfer steps.
  • Efficient Cleanup: Removes unincorporated dyes, nucleotides, salts, and contaminants through a simple washing procedure.
  • Automation Friendly: No centrifugation or filtration is required, making CleanSeq compatible with various automated liquid handling platforms.

This streamlined approach minimizes processing time and simplifies workflow, making CleanSeq a valuable tool for high-throughput sequencing applications.


  • Pemulihan tinggi – hingga 90%
  • High throughputusing magnetic beads purification technology
  • Simplesimplified operation process, combinationwashingelution

Isi Paket

Manik-manik CleanSeq5 ml50 ml500 ml

Penyimpanan dan Stabilitas


  • For optimal performance, store CleanSeq Beads at 2-8°C (refrigerator) upon arrival and up to 6 bulan.
  • Short-term storage (hingga 12 minggu) pada suhu kamar (15-25°C) is acceptable without affecting performance.

Before Use:

  • Ensure proper mixing of CleanSeq Beads before each use.
  • The reagent should appear homogenous and consistent in color throughout.


Informasi Tambahan

Berat0.7 kg

5ml, 50ml, 500ml

nama merk

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