Solarbio Hematoxylin-Eosin(HE) Differentiation Solution 500ML


Pengiriman Rp 45 - Gratis lebih dari USD 300

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  • Pabrikan: Merek Cina terkemuka
  • Pengiriman: Pengiriman FedEx yang dipercepat langsung dari pabrik
  • Memenuhi syarat untuk pengembalian atau penggantian dalam waktu 30 hari
  • cara Pembayaran: Amankan PayPal atau kartu kredit.




Perkenalan produk

Differentiation refers to the process of removing excess dye from tissues stained by certain specific solutions after tissue staining.

This process is called differentiation, and the solution used for this purpose is called a differentiation solution.

Weak acidic agents are commonly used as differentiation solutions in H&E staining and other staining techniques. Acid can disrupt the quinone structure of hematoxylin, causing the separation and fading of tissues from the dye, and subsequently allowing for eosin staining to ensure clear differentiation between cell nuclei and cytoplasm.

This HE differentiation solution is commonly used for differentiation after hematoxylin staining, with recommended differentiation times ranging from 5 ke 15 detik.


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