Jaringan HiPure & DNA darah 96 Perlengkapan


Pengiriman Rp 45 - Gratis lebih dari USD 300

DTE adalah platform e-niaga berbasis di Tiongkok yang mengkhususkan diri dalam penjualan pengujian molekuler secara online, ELISA, dan produk terkait.

  • Pabrikan: Merek Cina terkemuka
  • Pengiriman: Pengiriman FedEx yang dipercepat langsung dari pabrik
  • Memenuhi syarat untuk pengembalian atau penggantian dalam waktu 30 hari
  • cara Pembayaran: Amankan PayPal atau kartu kredit.


Ikhtisar Produk

  • Offers fast and easy purification methods for total DNA.
  • Ensures reliable PCR and Southern Blotting results.
  • Capable of purifying various types of DNA, including genomic, viral, and mitochondrial.
  • Can purify DNA from diverse sources: jaringan, whole blood, plasma, serum, buffy coat, bone marrow, other body fluids, lymphocytes, and cultured cells.


Fungsi utamaIsolation total DNA from blood, jaringan, culture cells, mengusap, and blood spots using 96 plate
AplikasiPCR, southern bolt and virus detection, dll.
Metode pemurnian96 piring sumur
Teknologi pemurnianTeknologi silika
Metode prosespetunjuk (sentrifugasi atau vakum)
Jenis sampelDarah, serum, plasma, milk, saliva, and other liquid samples and cultured cells
Jumlah sampel
Volume elusi
Waktu per lari
Volume pembawa cairan per kolom
Hasil pengikatan kolom


  • Utilizes silica column purification method.
  • The sample is lysed and digested with lysate and protease, releasing DNA into the lysate.
  • Lysate is transferred to an adsorption column.
  • Nucleic acid is adsorbed on the membrane, while protein is not adsorbed and is removed through filtration.
  • Proteins and other impurities are washed away.
  • Nucleic acid is finally eluted with low-salt buffer (10mm Tris, pH 9.0, 0.5mm EDTA).


  • High-quality DNAmeets a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, enzyme digestion, hybridization, dll..
  • High throughput – 96 samples can be processed simultaneously

Isi Paket

Waktu Pemurnian1 X 964 X 96
Pelat gDNA HiPure14
96 well Plate (2.2ml)14
1.6ml Collection Plate14
0.5ml Collection Plate14
Silicon Seal Tape14
Seal Film525
Buffer ATL30 ml100 ml
Buffer AL30 ml100 ml
Buffer DW160 ml250 ml
Penyangga GW250 ml2 X 100 ml
Proteinase K50 ml200 ml
Buffer Larut Protease5 ml15 ml
Penyangga AE30 ml120 ml

Penyimpanan dan Stabilitas

  • Proteinase K should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival.
  • Short-term storage at room temperature (15-25°C) for up to 12 weeks does not affect its performance.
  • The remaining kit components can be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) and remain stable for at least 18 bulan dalam kondisi ini.

Panduan Pembelian

NamaTIDAK KUCINGJumlah sampelLeukocyte protocol*Colum typeVolume elusiAverage yieldWaktu per lari
Kit Mini DNA Darah HiPureD311110-200μl1ml2kolom ml≥20μl5-9μg/200μl≤30 menit
Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Midi KitD31130.2-2ml10ml1.5kolom ml≥300μl20-40μg/1m≤80 minutes
Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Maxi KitD31153 -10ml10ml15kolom ml≥700μl20-40μg/1m≤90 minutes
Jaringan HiPure&DNA darah 96 PerlengkapanD31171-200μl1ml96 piring sumur3-8μg/200μl

Informasi Tambahan

Berat0.75 kg

Jaringan HiPure&DNA darah 96 Perlengkapan 1 X 96 Persiapan, Jaringan HiPure&DNA darah 96 Perlengkapan 4 X 96 Persiapan

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