Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Maxi Column Kit


Pengiriman Rp 45 - Gratis lebih dari USD 300

DTE adalah platform e-niaga berbasis di Tiongkok yang mengkhususkan diri dalam penjualan pengujian molekuler secara online, ELISA, dan produk terkait.

  • Pabrikan: Merek Cina terkemuka
  • Pengiriman: Pengiriman FedEx yang dipercepat langsung dari pabrik
  • Memenuhi syarat untuk pengembalian atau penggantian dalam waktu 30 hari
  • cara Pembayaran: Amankan PayPal atau kartu kredit.


  • Challenges in DNA Extraction from Blood Samples:
    1. High Infectious Risk: Blood samples pose a significant infectious hazard to operators and the environment.
    2. Complex DNA Source: Blood DNA contains various types such as mitochondrial, genomik, and circulating DNA, leading to potential loss during extraction.
    3. Presence of Impurities: Blood samples contain impurities and inhibitory factors that can interfere with DNA extraction and downstream applications.
  • Existing Extraction Methods:
    • Phenol-chloroform extraction, salting out, dll..
    • These methods typically involve pre-treatment steps to remove red blood cells and isolate white blood cells, which may result in loss of nucleic acid information.
  • Product Benefits:
    • Fast and Easy Purification: Provides a rapid and straightforward method for total pemurnian DNA.
    • Suitability: Purifies total DNA (genomik, viral, mitokondria) from whole blood, jaringan, and cultured cells.
    • Aplikasi: Ensures reliable DNA for PCR and Southern blotting assays.


Fungsi utamaIsolation of total DNA from 10ml blood and 1g tissue using Maxi column
AplikasiPCR, southern bolt and virus detection, dll.
Metode pemurnianMaxi spin column
Teknologi pemurnianTeknologi silika
Metode prosespetunjuk (sentrifugasi atau vakum)
Jenis sampelJaringan, cells, darah, saliva, swabs, blood spots, semen, and other clinical samples
Jumlah sampel3-10ml
Volume elusi≥700μl
Waktu per lari≤90 minutes
Volume pembawa cairan per kolom4ml
Hasil pengikatan kolom5mg


  1. Cell Breakdown: Your sample is lysed (broken open) and digested with enzymes to release DNA into solution.
  2. Capture: The mixture is passed through a silica column. DNA sticks to the silica membrane, while proteins and other impurities don’t.
  3. Washing Away Impurities: The column is washed to remove any remaining proteins and other unwanted molecules.
  4. DNA Release: Pure DNA is eluted (washed off) the silica membrane with a special buffer solution. This purified DNA is then ready for further analysis.


  • High-quality DNAmeets a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, enzyme digestion, hybridization, dll..
  • Cepat – without separation of leukocytes, organic extraction, or ethanol precipitation
  • Simpleall nucleic acids can be obtained by direct digestion
  • Pertinencespecially designed for isolating DNA from 3-10ml blood and related body fluids
  • Penerapan yang luas – handle a variety of liquid samples
  • Economyexcellent cost-effectiveness performance

Isi Paket

Contents1010 persiapan50 perps
Waktu Pemurnian1050
HiPure gDNA Maxi Columns1050
50ml Tabung Koleksi20100
Buffer ATL120 ml550 ml
Buffer AL120 ml2 X 300 ml
Buffer GW1*53 ml220 ml
Penyangga GW2*25 ml110 ml
RNase A40 mg180 ml
Proteinase K120 mg540 mg
Buffer Larut Protease12 ml50 ml
Penyangga AE30 ml120 ml

Penyimpanan dan Stabilitas

Storage Recommendations:

  • Proteinase K and RNase A: Upon arrival, store at 2-8°C. Short-term storage (hingga 12 minggu) pada suhu kamar (15-25°C) is acceptable without affecting performance.
  • Remaining Kit Components: Can be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) and remain stable for at least 18 bulan dalam kondisi ini.

Panduan Pembelian

NamaTIDAK KUCINGJumlah sampelLeukocyte protocol*Colum typeVolume elusiAverage yieldWaktu per lari
Kit Mini DNA Darah HiPureD311110-200μl1ml2kolom ml≥20μl5-9μg/200μl≤30 menit
Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Midi KitD31130.2-2ml10ml1.5kolom ml≥300μl20-40μg/1m≤80 minutes
Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Maxi KitD31153 -10ml10ml15kolom ml≥700μl20-40μg/1m≤90 minutes
Jaringan HiPure&DNA darah 96 PerlengkapanD31171-200μl1ml96 piring sumur3-8μg/200μl

Informasi Tambahan

Berat0.7 kg

Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Maxi Kit 10 persiapan, Jaringan HiPure&Blood DNA Maxi Kit 50 persiapan

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