This product is suitable for rapid extraction of DNA from tissue, cells, darah, saliva, swabs, blood spots, semen and other clinical samples. DNA can be used directly for PCR, quantitative PCR, Southern Blot, test of virus DNA and so on.
Fitur | Spesifikasi |
Fungsi utama | Isolation total DNA from 1-100ul blood, FFPE, tissue and other samples |
Aplikasi | Second generation sequencing, PCR, real timePCR, dll.. |
Metode pemurnian | Monodisperse magnetic beads |
Teknologi pemurnian | Magnetic beads technology |
Metode proses | Manual atau otomatis |
Jenis sampel | Anticoagulant blood, concentrated blood, buffy coat, lymphocytes and cultured cells |
Jumlah sampel | Body fluid : 10 – 200μl, Jaringan : <span “=”” style=”outline: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 16px;”>≤10mg |
Menghasilkan | 10ng – 15μg |
Volume elusi | 80 -100μl |
Waktu per lari |
Produk ini didasarkan pada metode pemurnian partikel magnetik berikatan tinggi. Sampel dilisiskan dan dicerna di bawah aksi lisat dan Protease. DNA is released into the lysate. Setelah menambahkan partikel magnetik dan larutan pengikat, DNA will be adsorbed on the surface of magnetic particles, dan kotoran seperti protein akan dihilangkan tanpa adsorpsi. Partikel yang teradsorpsi dicuci dengan larutan pencuci untuk menghilangkan protein dan pengotor, dicuci dengan etanol untuk menghilangkan garam, and finally DNA was eluted by Elution Buffer.
- High binding force – suitable for handling DNA rich samples, such as whole blood, buffy coat, concentrated blood, dll..
- Kemurnian tinggi – carboxyl magnetic beads with weak surface adsorption, getting higher purity
- General – can be used for various clinical samples
Isi Paket
Isi | IVD3101 |
Waktu Pemurnian | 200 |
MagBind Particles | 4.5 ml |
Proteinase K | 90 mg |
Buffer Larut Protease | 10 ml |
Buffer ATL | 60 ml |
Buffer AL | 60 ml |
Buffer BD* | 20 ml |
Buffer BXW1* | 110 ml |
Penyangga Elusi | 30 ml |
Penyimpanan dan Stabilitas
Proteinase K, MagBind Particles should be stored at 2–8°C upon arrival. Namun, short-termstorage (hingga 18 minggu) pada suhu kamar (15–25°C) tidak mempengaruhi kinerja mereka. The remainingkit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15–25°C) dan setidaknya stabil 18 bulan dalam kondisi ini.
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