The Kit is specially designed for simultaneous purification of genomic DNA and total RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections. Purified DNA/RNA is suitable for use in applications such as real-time PCR and Pyrosequencing.
Fitur | Spesifikasi |
Main FunctionsC | Co-isolation total RNA and DNA from FFPE tissue |
Aplikasi | RT-PCR, sintesis cDNA, PCR and second-generation sequencing, dll.. |
Metode pemurnian | Manik-manik magnet polidispersi |
Teknologi pemurnian | Magnetic beads technology |
Metode proses | Manual atau otomatis |
Instrumen adaptif | Nucleic acid extractor and pipetting workstation |
Jenis sampel | FFPE slice, FFPE puncture sample, embedded tissue |
Jumlah sampel | No more than six 10µm sections of 150 mm2 surface area or three 20µm sections of 150 mm2 surface area. |
FFPE samples are incubated in an optimized lysis buffer, which results in the release of RNA and precipitation of DNA. Setelah sentrifugasi, the RNA-containing supernatant and DNA-containing pellet are then processed separately to purify RNA and DNA. Setelah menambahkan partikel magnetik dan larutan pengikat, DNA/RNA akan teradsorpsi pada permukaan partikel magnet, dan kotoran seperti protein akan dihilangkan tanpa adsorpsi. Partikel yang teradsorpsi dicuci dengan larutan pencuci untuk menghilangkan protein dan pengotor, dicuci dengan etanol untuk menghilangkan garam, and finally DNA/RNA was eluted by RNase Free Water.
- Post digestion sorting – higher DNA and RNA yields
- Economy – the price is much lower than imported reagents
Isi Paket
Isi | IVD3026 |
Waktu Pemurnian | 200 Persiapan |
MagBind Particles | 9.0 ml |
Proteinase K | 180 mg |
Buffer Larut Protease | 10 ml |
Buffer DPS | 150 ml |
Buffer FRL | 40 ml |
Buffer ATL | 40 ml |
Buffer AL | 80 ml |
Buffer BXW1* | 110 ml |
RNase Free Water | 30 ml |
Penyimpanan dan Stabilitas
Proteinase K and MagBind Particles should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival. Namun, penyimpanan jangka pendek (hingga 24 minggu) pada suhu kamar (15-25°C) tidak mempengaruhi kinerja mereka. The remaining kit components can be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) dan setidaknya stabil 18 bulan dalam kondisi ini.
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