Migi (Kucing) Feline FPV/FHV/FCV Ab Rapid Quantitative Test Kit


Pengiriman Rp 45 - Gratis lebih dari USD 300

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Notice: You need an Immunofluorescence Analyzer to run the tests with this kit

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10 Test/Box



The Feline FPV/FHV/FCV Ab test is a quantitative fluorescence immunoassay used with an Immunofluorescence Analyzer. It determines the concentration of antibodies to feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), feline herpesvirus (FHV), and feline calicivirus (FCV) in serum or plasma samples.

For in vitro diagnostic use only. For professional use only.


  1. This test employs a quantitative double antigen sandwich fluorescence immunoassay technique.
  2. The fluorescent signal intensity reflects the amount of FPV-Ab, FHV-Ab, FCV-Ab captured. The concentration is expressed as Tu/ml.


Material ProvidedMaterial Required But Not Provided
10 individual sealed pouches, each containing: ■ Test Device of FPV-Ab, FHV-Ab, and FCV-Ab (antibody test for Feline Panleukopenia Virus, Feline Herpesvirus, and Feline Calicivirus) ■ Desiccant pouch1. Immunofluorescence Analyzer (for reading test results)
One ID Chip2. Timer
Instructions for Use3. Pipet (already provided)
10 tubes of FPV/FHV/FCV Ab Sample Buffer4. Mesin sentrifugal (not typically required for antibody tests)
10 Tip pipet


  1. Store the test kit at 4~30℃ up to the expiration date.
  2. The test should operate at 18 ~ 28℃ after the Test Device opening.
  3. Once the pouch is opened, the test should be performed within 30 menit.


The test can be performed with serum or plasma.

  1. Separate serum or plasma (EDTA anticoagulant is recommended) from blood within 3 jam after blood collection. If a specimen appears to be severely hemolyzed, another specimen should be obtained and tested.
  2. Optimally, the test should be performed immediately after the specimen collection. If the test cannot be performed within 3 jam after blood collection, store the specimen at 2~8℃ for no longer than 72 jam. For long-term storage, specimens shall be kept below -20℃.

Bring all materials to room temperature before use. Frozen specimens must be completely thawed and mixed well prior to testing. Specimens should not be frozen and thawed repeatedly. Only clear, non-hemolyzed specimens can be used.


  1. Persiapan:

    • Set a Test Device on a clean, level horizontal table.
    • Insert the ID Chip into the meter and clickRead ID chip.Make sure the Test Device lot number matches the ID Chip number.
  2. Persiapan Sampel:

    • Pipet 20 μl of prepared sample into FPV/FHV/FCV Ab Sample Buffer.
    • Gently mix well. Avoid vigorous agitation and foaming.
  3. Run the Test:

    • Choose between Standard Test (A) or Quick Test (b).

(A) Standard Test: * Pipet 100 μl of mixed sample into the sample well (S) of the FPV-Ab Test Device. * ClickStandard Test,” insert the FPV-Ab Test Device into the meter holder, and clickStart Test.Select sample typeSerum/Plasma.The meter will countdown and read the result automatically. * Repeat for FHV-Ab and FCV-Ab Test Devices, clickingStart Testfor each after inserting them into the holder.

(b) Quick Test: * Pipet 100 μl of mixed sample into the sample well (S) of the FPV-Ab Test Device. * ClickQuick Test,” start the timer immediately. * Leave the FPV-Ab Test Device at room temperature (18°C – 28°C) untuk 10 menit. * Insert the FPV-Ab Test Device into the meter holder and clickStart Test.Select sample typeSerum/Plasma.The instrument will scan the Test Device automatically and show the test result. * Repeat for FHV-Ab and FCV-Ab Test Devices, inserting them in turn and clickingStart Testfor each.

  1. Results:
    • Results are displayed on the main screen. Printing is automatic or can be done by clickingPrint.


The FPV/FHV/FCV Ab Rapid Quantitative Test includes a built-in quality control check for every test run with a patient sample. This internal control ensures the test’s accuracy. If the internal control fails, the meter will display an error message, and you’ll need to repeat the test with a new Test Device and sample.


Reference range of FPV/FHV/FCV in feline serum or plasma.

  1. Detection range :

① FPV-Ab:4.5 ~640 Tu/ml

② FHV-Ab:5.0 ~640 Tu/ml

③ FCV-Ab:5.0 ~640 Tu/ml

  1. Reference range:
≤9≤10≤100No antibody protection vaccination is recommended
9~5010~1510~301The antibody protection is weak, so it is recommended to carry out supplementary immunization or adjust the immunization program
3Moderate antibody protection, strengthen antibody level monitoring once every 6 months or so
>500>150>3005The antibody protection is strong, and the antibody level is tested every year to ensure the vaccine protection in time

  • ast Infection: If your pet has not been vaccinated but the test results show antibody levels above level 1 (refer to the results table for specific levels), it suggests the pet may have been infected with the virus in the past. This past exposure could have triggered an immune response and produced antibodies.
  • Individual Variation in Antibody Levels: The antibody levels for FPV, FHV, and FCV in the test results may not be identical, even though the test is run simultaneously. This is because each pet’s immune system reacts differently to vaccines. Don’t be alarmed by slight variations between the three viruses. Refer to the results table for interpretation based on the specific levels for each virus.

Each laboratory should establish a reference range that represents the population to be evaluated.


  1. This kit is for in vitro diagnostic use only.
  2. Inspect the packaging and labels before use. Do not use it if the pouch is broken, torn, or not well sealed, or if the vial looks damaged or leaked.
  3. Do not use the test device beyond the expiration date.
  4. One pipette tip should be used for one specimen only.
  5. There is the possibility that factors such as technical or procedural errors and additional substances in blood specimens that are not listed in the text may interfere with the test and cause erroneous results.


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