Solarbio Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase(GAPDH) Kit Uji Aktivitas


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Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase(GAPDH) Kit Uji Aktivitas

Catatan: Ambil dua atau tiga sampel berbeda untuk prediksi sebelum pengujian.

Detection instrument: Spektrofotometer

Kucing No: BC2210

Ukuran: 25T/24 ; 50T/48S


Extract solution: 60 mL×1. Simpan pada suhu 4℃.

Reagen I: Bedak×1. Simpan pada suhu -20℃.

Reagen II: 50 mL×1. Simpan pada suhu 4℃.

Reagen III: 30 μL×1. Simpan pada suhu 4℃. The liquid is placed in the EP tube in the reagent bottle. According to the dosage and the volume ratio of Reagent III: distilled water of 3:100, campur dengan baik, use and prepare now.

Deskripsi Produk:

GAPDH (EC catalyzes the oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1,3-diphosphoglyceride. It is the key enzyme of glycolysis pathway. It is closely related to the pathway of gluconeogenesis, the maintenance of blood glucose concentration and the occurrence of diabetes. It plays an important role in the disorders of glucose, lipid and protein metabolism.

3-phosphoglycerate kinase can catalyze the production of 1,3-diphosphoglyceride from triphosphate and ATP. GAPDH reversely catalyzes the formation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, inorganic phosphorus and NAD+ from 1,3-diphosphoglyceride and NADH. The decrease of NADH measured at 340 nm can reflect the activity of GAPDH.

Required material

Desk centrifuge, ultraviolet spectrophotometer, constant temperature water bath, mortar/ homogenizer, 1 mL quartz cuvette, transferpettor, es dan air suling.


SAYA. Sampel Extraction:

  1. Tissue sample:

According to the mass of the tissue (G): the volume of the Extract solution (ml) is 1: 5~10. Suggested 0.1 g of tissue with 1 mL of Extract solution. Fully grind on ice, sentrifugasi di 8000 g and 4℃ for 20 menit. Supernatant is placed on ice for test.

  1. Bakteri atau sel:

According to the number of cells (104): the volume of the Extract solution (ml) is 500 ~ 1000: 1. Recommend 5 million with 1 mL Larutan Ekstrak. Use ultrasonication to split bacteria or cells (power 20% or 200W, work time 3s, interval 10s, ulangi untuk 30 waktu). Sentrifugasi di, 8000 g and 4℃ for 10 menit. Supernatant is placed on ice for test.

  1. Serum (plasma): direct measurement.

II. Tekad prosedur:

  • Preheat the ultraviolet spectrophotometer 30 menit, adjust wavelength to340 nm, atur nol dengan air suling.
  • Preparation of working solution: pour all Reagent II into one bottle of Reagent I. Fully dissolved. Preheat a certain amount of 37℃ (mammal) or 25℃ (other species) untuk 10 min as required. The unused reagents shall be stored at — 20℃ after sub charging. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
  • Tambahkan reagen dengan daftar berikut:
Reagent name (μL)Tabung reaksi (T)Tabung kosong (B)
Air sulingan 30
Reagen III2020
Solusi kerja950950
Add the above reagents into the 1 mL quartz cuvette respectively. Aduk rata. Measure the absorbance value A1 at 340 nm for 10s. Quickly put it into a water bath or incubator at 37℃ (mammal) or 25℃ (other species) untuk 5 menit. Take out and dry it quickly. Measure the absorbance value A2 for 5min10s. Calculate ΔAT= A1T- A2T, ΔAB= A1B- A2B, ΔA = ΔATΔAB. Blank tube only needs to test 1–2 times.

AKU AKU AKU. Perhitungan:

Calculated by micro quartz cuvette

  • Calculated by protein concentration:

Unit definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzymes consumes of 1 nmol of NADH in the reaction system per minute, every mg protein.

GAPDH activity (U/mg prot) =ΔA÷(ε×d)×VRV×109÷(VS×Cpr)÷T=1072×ΔA÷Cpr

  • Calculated by sample weight

Unit definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzymes consumes of 1 nmol of NADH in the reaction system per minute, every g sample.

GAPDH activity (U/g fresh weight) =ΔA÷(ε×d)×VRV×109÷(VS×W÷VST)÷T= 1072×ΔA÷W

  • Calculated by bacteria or cell amount:

Unit definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzymes consumes of 1 nmol of NADH in the reaction system per minute, every 104 bacteria or cells.

GAPDH activity (U/104 cell) =ΔA÷(ε×d)×VRV×109÷(VS×500÷VST)÷T = 2.14×ΔA

  • Calculated by volume of culture medium:

Unit definition: One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzymes consumes of 1 nmol of NADH in the reaction system per minute, every mL liquid.

GAPDH activity (U/mL) =ΔA÷(ε×d)×VRV×109÷VS÷T= 1072×ΔA


ε: molar extinction coefficient of NADH: 6.22×103 L/mol/cm; D: light path of cuvette, 1 cm;

VRV: total reaction volume, 0.001 L;

VS: sample volume in reaction system, 0.03 ml; VST: volume of extraction solution added, 1 ml; Cpr: sample protein concentration, mg/mL;

W, massa sampel, G;

T: reaction time, 5 menit;

109: conversion factor, 1 mol = 109 nmol;

500: Number of cells, 5 juta.


  1. When A1 is less than 0.8 or ΔA is greater than 0.7, it is recommended to dilute the sample before determination.
  2. The blank tube is a test tube for testing the quality of each reagent component. Under normal conditions, the change does not exceed01.

Contoh eksperimental:

  1. Take 0.1g of rabbit kidney, menambahkan 1 mL of Extract solution, homogenize in ice bath, then centrifuge at 8000g, 4℃ for 20 menit, take the supernatant and put it on ice, then operate with micro quartz cuvette according to the determination steps, measure and calculate: ΔAT=A1T-A2T =0.815-0.158=0.657, ΔAB= A1BA2B = 0.865-0.864=0.001, ΔA = ΔATΔAB = 656.

GAPDH activity (U/g mass) = 1072×ΔA ÷ W = 7032.32 U/g mass.

  1. Take 0.1g of clover, menambahkan 1 mL of Extract solution, homogenize it in ice bath, then centrifuge it in 8000g and 4℃ for 20 menit, take the supernatant and put it on ice, then operate according to the determination steps, measure and calculate it with micro quartz cuvette, ΔAT = A1TA2T =1.026-1.017=0.009, ΔAB= A1BA2B =0.865-0.864=0.001, ΔA = ΔATΔAB=008.

GAPDH activity (U/g mass) = 1072 × ΔA ÷ W =85.76 U/g mass.

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Informasi Tambahan


25T, 50T

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