Solarbio L-Arginine (hydrochloride) KAS 1119-34-2 Size 100mg


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  • 100mg Powder
Product Information
Chinese NameL-精氨酸盐酸盐
English NameL-Arginine Hydrochloride
  • (S)-(+)-Arginine hydrochloride
  • N-Carbobenzoxy-D-leucine
  • N-Carbobenzyloxy-D-leucine
  • NSC523826;
Formula molekulC6H14N4O2·HCl
Berat molekul210.66
Spesifikasi10mM*1mL in Water; 100mg
SolubilitySoluble in Water ≥10mg/mL
Kondisi penyimpananBubuk: 2-8℃, 2 bertahun-tahun; In solution: -20℃, 6 bulan; -80℃, 1 tahun
PenampilanWhite to off-white Solid
ECEINECS 214-275-1
PubChem CID66250
Background InformationReported to be an effective vasodilator used to induce experimental acute pancreatitis.
Biological ActivityL-Arginine HCl (L-Arg) is a nitrogen donor for nitric oxide synthesis, acting as an effective vasodilator, often deficient in sickle cell anemia [1-2].
In VitroSupplementation of L-Arginine (0.3 mm, 30 menit) increases NO concentration twofold in bovine aortic endothelial cells with an LDL concentration of 60-130 mg cholesterol/dL. In conditions with low LDL, L-Arginine (0.3 mm, 30 menit) does not increase NO peak concentration or O2- levels. Pre-treatment with L-Arginine reduces O2- production by 50% when incubated with n-LDL above 40mg cholesterol/dL and completely inhibits O2- production from oxidized LDL doses [1].
In VivoIn rabbit limbs with ischemia/reperfusion injury, L-Arginine (4 mg/kg/min for 1 jam) reduces superoxide production by cNOS, increases NO accumulation, prevents microvascular contraction, and significantly reduces muscle edema [2].
Referensi[1]. Vergnani L, dkk. Effect of native and oxidized low-density lipoprotein on endothelial nitric oxide and superoxide production: key role of L-arginine availability. Circulation. 2000 Mar 21;101(11):1261-6.

[2]. Huk I, dkk. L-arginine treatment alters the kinetics of nitric oxide and superoxide release and reduces ischemia/reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle. Circulation. 1997 Jul 15;96(2):667-75.

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