Solarbio Serum Ferri Ion Content Assay Kit


Pengiriman Rp 45 - Gratis lebih dari USD 300

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Serum Ferri Ion Content Assay Kit

Catatan: Ambil dua atau tiga sampel berbeda untuk prediksi sebelum pengujian.

Peralatan Operasi: Spektrofotometer

Cat Number: BC1730

Ukuran: 50T/48S


Reagen I: Bedak×2, storage at 4℃. Menambahkan 10 mL distilled water before use.

Reagent Ⅱ: Bedak×2, storage at 4℃. Menambahkan 313 μL glacial acetic acid and 10 mL distilled water before use. Standard Solution: Cairan 3 mL×1, 1000 μmol/L Fe3+ standard solution, storage at 4℃. Add distilled water dilute 8 times to form a standard solution of 125 μmol/L before use.

Deskripsi Produk:

Serum iron is the iron bound with transferrin in blood, which is often used to distinguish non-iron deficiency anemia and iron-deficiency anemia.

Fe3+ is reduced by sodium sulfite to Fe2+, which reacts with 2,2-dipyridine-bipyridine, have an absorption peak at 520 nm. According measure absorbance at 520 nm can reflect serum iron concentration.

Reagen dan Peralatan Diperlukan tetapi Tidak Disediakan.

Spektrofotometer, alat sentrifugal, glacial acetic acid, adjusted transferpettor, 1 mL kuvet kaca, chloroform and distilled water.


  1. Preheat the spectrophotometer for 30 menit, sesuaikan panjang gelombang ke 520 nm, atur nol dengan sulingan
  2. Dilute standard solution to 125 μmol/L with distilled
  3. Tambahkan reagen dengan daftar berikut:
Nama Reagen (μL)Tabung kosong (AB)Tabung reaksi (PADA)Standard tube (SEBAGAI)
Air sulingan400  
Solusi standar (125 μmol/L)  400
Serum(plasma) 400 
Reagen I400400400
Reagen II400400400
Aduk rata, incubate in boiling water bath for 5 menit, cooling liquid. Menambahkan 200 μL chloroform (required but not provided). Aduk rata, room temperature, 10000 rpm centrifuge for 10 menit. Mengambil 700 μL supernatant to 1 mL kuvet kaca. Measure absorbance at 520 nm. Recorded as AB, PADA, SEBAGAI.


Serum iron (μmol/L)=[Cs×(AT-AB)÷(As-AB)]= 125×(AT-AB)÷(As-AB)

Cs: Fe3+ standard solution, 125 μmol/L.


  1. There is less iron in the serum, so the vessels (EP tubes) should be noted to avoid iron contamination.
  2. Reagent I and Reagent II are unstable. It needs to be prepared when the solution will be used, and the newly prepared reagent can only be used on the same day.
  3. When At- Ac>5, please dilute the Serum to appropriate concentration with distilled water.

Technical Specifications

Minimum Detection Limit:3.212 μmol/mL

Linear Range:3.9-250 μmol/mL

Produk-produk terkait

BC2860/BC2865 Serum Total Iron Binding Capacity(TIBC) Perangkat Pengujian

BC0720/BC0725 Blood Calcium Content Assay Kit

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