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Blood Total RNA Extraction Kit (Genomic DNA Removal)


Spedizione USD 45 - Gratuito per USD 300

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  • Produttore: Principali marchi cinesi
  • Spedizione: Spedizione FedEx rapida direttamente dalle fabbriche
  • Idoneo per la restituzione o la sostituzione entro 30 giorni
  • Modalità di pagamento: PayPal sicuro o carta di credito.


  1. Componenti del kit di reagenti

Gatto. NO.SN0325-DSN0326-D
RNA Extraction Columns (impostato)50 (impostato)100 (impostato)
DNA Clean-Up Columns (impostato)50 (impostato)100 (impostato)
Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer10x60 ml2×60 ml
RNA Extraction Respingente 1 plus30 ml2×30 ml
Inhibitor Removal Buffer30 ml2×30 ml
Tampone di lavaggio 115 ml2×15 ml
Tampone di eluizione20 ml20 ml
Manuale di istruzioni11


  1. Magazzinaggio

Questo kit di reagenti deve essere conservato a temperatura ambiente (15-25℃) in a dry environment and can be preserved for 12 mesi.

  1. Istruzioni per l'uso del kit di reagenti

3.1 This kit is intended for molecular biology research purposes and should not be used for disease diagnosis or treatment.

3.2 Some components in the kit contain irritants; it is advisable to take necessary precautions (such as wearing protective clothing and goggles).

3.3 The use of this kit requires additional equipment such as a high-speed centrifuge, bagnomaria (bagno di metallo), miscelatore a vortice, etanolo anidro, liquid nitrogen, chloroform, acqua deionizzata sterile, and EP tubes.

  1. Introduzione al kit di reagenti

The RNA purification kit provides a fast and efficient method for purifying RNA from blood and other fluid tissues. It is suitable for most biological fluids and tissues. This RNA purification kit can be applied to blood samples exceeding 0.5 ml, and through DNA removal technology, the extracted RNA is virtually free of genomic DNA.

The RNA Fast Purification Kit allows for the extraction of total RNA (including nuclear RNA and cytoplasmic RNA) dal sangue all'interno 2 ore. The purified RNA can be directly used for applications such as RT-PCR, Northern blotting, eccetera. The entire purification process does not require toxic reagents such as phenol-chloroform, making the RNA purification kit well-suited for various other sample types.

  1. Principi e procedure sperimentali
Blood Total RNA Extraction Kit (Genomic DNA Removal)
Blood Total RNA Extraction Kit (Genomic DNA Removal)
  1. Processo di estrazione

Precautions before starting the experiment:

UN. Prima dell'uso, add the specified amount of ethanol to Wash Buffer 1 as indicated on the reagent bottle label, and mark a check on the label to indicate the addition of ethanol.

B.Elution Buffer is a 0.1x TE solution containing a minimal amount of EDTA. If EDTA affects subsequent experiments, it is recommended to use sterile deionized water as a substitute for the Elution Buffer.

  1. Elaborazione del campione: Take 200μL of blood into an EP tube, aggiungere 80μL of Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer 10x, and mix thoroughly by pipetting.
  2. Aggiungere 500μL RNA Extraction Buffer 1 plus, vigorously shake to mix, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 3 minuti.
  3. Transfer the supernatant to a DNA purification column, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1 minuto.
  4. Aggiungere 250μL of ethanol to the supernatant, pipette and mix, transfer the liquid to the RNA purification column, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 30 secondi, scartare il surnatante.
  5. Aggiungere 600μL Inhibitor Removal Buffer to the RNA purification column, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 30 secondi, scartare il surnatante.
  6. Aggiungere 600μL Wash Buffer 1 to the RNA purification column, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 30 secondi, scartare il surnatante.

(Nota: Confirm that ethanol has been added to Wash Buffer 1. Ethanol presence significantly affects subsequent experiments. Perciò, membrane drying is crucial. Dopo la centrifugazione, ensure no ethanol remains before elution, then discard the waste and collection tube. After using Wash Buffer 1, the membrane on the RNA purification column should have a slight color. Dopo la centrifugazione, carefully remove the RNA purification column, ensuring it does not touch the collection tube to prevent ethanol interference.)

  1. Ripeti il ​​passaggio 6.
  2. Centrifuge the empty tube at 12000rpm for 2 minuti (to evaporate residual ethanol).
  3. Place the RNA purification column in a new centrifuge tube, drip 100μL Elution Buffer onto the membrane, incubate at room temperature for 5 minuti (15℃~25℃), centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1 minuto.

(Nota: Eluting RNA with 50μL Elution Buffer can increase RNA concentration but reduce total RNA yield.)


Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso0.7 kg
DimensioniN / A


50T, 100T

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