MagSelect Beads


Spedizione USD 45 - Gratuito per USD 300

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  • Produttore: Principali marchi cinesi
  • Spedizione: Spedizione FedEx rapida direttamente dalle fabbriche
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This product speeds and simplifies nucleic acid size selection for fragment library preparation for next generation sequencing.



Funzioni principaliSelectively recover DNA from PCR products and enzymatic reaction solution (Replace Beckmen or agencourt SPRISelect)
ApplicazioniPrepare DNA library for second generation sequencing
Tecnologia di purificazioneTecnologia delle perle magnetiche
Metodo di processoManuale o automatico
Tipo di campioneDNA products, restriction endonuclease systems, or other enzymatic reaction solution
Importo del campioneAdeguata
Operation time≤50 minutes


The MagSelect method contains magnetic particles in an optimized binding buffer to selectively bind DNA fragments 100bp and larger to paramagnetic beads. Excessprimers, nucleotides, salts, and enzymes can be removed using a simple washing procedure. The result is a more purified PCR product.


  • Recupero elevato – fino a 80%
  • Produttività elevata – using magnetic beads purification technology

Contenuto del kit

MagSelect Beads5 ml50 ml500 ml

Conservazione e stabilità

MagSelect XP should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival and is stable up to 18 months under the condition. Tuttavia, conservazione a breve termine (fino a 12 settimane) a temperatura ambiente (15-25°C) does not affect its performance. Shake the reagent well before use. It should appear homogenous and consistent in color.


Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso0.65 kg

MagSelect Beads 5 ml, MagSelect Beads 50 ml, MagSelect Beads 500 ml


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