Solarbio Malondialdeide (MDA) Kit di analisi del contenuto


Spedizione USD 45 - Gratuito per USD 300

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Malondialdeide (MDA) Kit di analisi del contenuto

Nota: It is necessary to predict 2-3 large difference samples before the formal determination. Attrezzatura operativa: Spettrofotometro.

Gatto n: BC0020

Misurare: 50T/48S


Extraction reagentLiquido60 ml× 14°C
Reagente ILiquido42 ml× 14°C
Reagente IIPolvere4°C
MDA working reagentLiquido20 mL Reagent I4°C
+ Reagente II
Reagente IIILiquido12 ml× 14°C

Nota: The working solution for MDA detection is difficult to dissolve, which can be heated at 70℃ and vibrated violently to promote dissolution. Or by ultrasonic treatment to promote dissolution.

Descrizione del prodotto:

  • Lipid peroxide is generated through the interaction of oxygen free radicals with unsaturated fatty acids, eventually forming compounds such as malondialdehyde (MDA). The level of lipid peroxidation serves as an indicator, which can be assessed by measuring MDA levels.
  • Under acidic and high-temperature conditions, a brown-red compound, 3,5,5-three methyl sulfamethoxazole-2,4-two ketone, is synthesized via a condensation reaction between MDA and thiobarbituric acid (TBA). This compound exhibits maximum absorption at 532 nm. The assessment of lipid peroxidation involves colorimetric analysis. Tuttavia, the presence of soluble sugars can interfere with the detection process. The reaction of soluble sugars with TBA produces a color reaction with absorption wavelengths at 450 nm and 532 nm. In this assay kit, the MDA content is determined by the variance in absorbance at 532 nm, 450 nm, E 600 nm.
  • Due to the presence of sucrose in plant tissues and glucose in animal tissues, the kit includes two computational formulas tailored for sucrose and glucose. These formulas are suitable for lipid assessment.

Reagenti e attrezzature necessari ma non forniti:

Spettrofotometro, bagnomaria, centrifuga da tavolo, transfer pipette,1 Cuvetta di vetro da ml, mortaio/omogeneizzatore, ghiaccio e acqua distillata.


IO. preparazione del campione:

Batteri o cellule:

Collect bacteria or cells into the centrifuge tube. 5 million bacteria or cells could be mixed with 1 mL of Extraction reagent. Use ultrasonication to split bacteria and cells (placed on ice, ultrasonic power 200W, ultrasonic time 3 secondi, interval 10 secondi, ripetere per 30 volte). Centrifugare a 8000 ×g per 10 minutes at 4℃ to remove insoluble materials, and take supernatant on ice before testing.


0.1 g of tissue could be mixed with 1 mL of Extraction reagent and fully homogenized on ice bath. Then centrifuge at 8000 ×g per 10 minutes at 4℃ to remove insoluble materials, and take the supernatant on ice before testing.



II. Determinazione procedura:

  1. Preheat spectrophotometer for more than 30 minuti, azzerare con il distillato
  2. Aggiungere i reagenti con il seguente elenco:
Reagente (μL)Provetta (T)Tubo vuoto (B)
MDA working reagent600600
Acqua distillata200
Reagent Ⅲ200200

The mixture would be incubated at 100℃ for 60 minuti (tightly close to prevent moisture loss), cooled on ice, and centrifuged at 10000 ×g per 10 minutes at room temperature to remove insoluble materials. Take supernatant in 1 Cuvetta di vetro da ml, and measure the absorbance at 450 nm, 532 nm and 600 nm.

∆A450=A450(T)-A450(B), ∆A532=A532(T)-A532(B), ∆A600 =A600(T)-A600(B). Blank tube needs to test once or twice.

III. Calcolo:

  1. Tessuto, bacteria or cultured cells
  • Concentrazione proteica:

MDA (nmol/mg prot)=(6.45×(∆A532-∆A600)-1.29×∆A450)×Vrv÷(Cpr×Vs)


  • Peso del campione:

MDA (nmol/g weight)=( 6.45×(∆A532-∆A600)- 1.29×∆A450)×Vrv÷(W×Vs÷Vsv)

=5×(6.45×(∆A532-∆A600)- 1.29×∆A450)÷W

  • Cellmount:

MDA (nmol/104cell)=( 6.45 ×(∆A532-∆A600)- 1.29×A∆450)×Vrv÷(400×Vs÷Vsv)

=0.01×(6.45×(∆A532-∆A600)- 1.29×∆A450)

  • Siero:

MDA (nmol/mL)=(6.45×(ΔA532 -ΔA600)-1.29×ΔA450)×Vrv÷Vs

=5×(6.45×(ΔA532 -ΔA600)-1.29×ΔA450)

  1. Plants tissue:
  • Peso del campione

MDA (nmol/g weight)= (6.45×(∆A532-∆A600)-0.56×∆A450)×Vrv÷(W×Vs÷Vsv)

=5×(6.45 ×(∆A532-∆A600)- 0.56×∆A450)÷W

  • Concentrazione proteica:

MDA (nmol/mg prot)=( 6.45 ×(∆A532-∆A600)- 0.56×∆A450)×Vrv÷(Cpr×Vs)

=5×(6.45 ×(∆A532-∆A600)- 0.56×∆A450)÷Cpr

Corda: Volume totale di reazione, 1 ml; Contro: Volume del campione, 0.2 ml;

Vsv: Extraction volume, 1 ml;

Cpr: Concentrazione proteica del campione, mg/ml; W: Peso del campione, G;

400: Total number of bacteria and cells, 5 milioni.


If it is found that the absorbance value of the sample is too low, the boiling water bath time can be adjusted from 60 minutes to 90 minutes or longer. The detection of MDA in the same experiment needs to be extended to the same time to avoid errors.


  • Spitz D R, Oberley L W. An assay for superoxide dismutase activity in mammaliantissue homogenates[J]. Biochimica analitica,1989
  • Masayasu M, Hiroshi Y. A simplified assay method of superoxide dismutase activity for clinical use[J]. Clinica Chimica

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