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Building a Bird Gender and DNA Test Mini Lab


For bird breeders, especially large-scale breeding farms for オウム, pigeons, etc., the construction of a small molecular detection laboratory can quickly detect the sex of fledglings by detecting genes, and can also detect bird viruses during the breeding process and achieve early prevention.

How to Build a Mini Bird DNA Test Lab?

The construction of a small DNA detection laboratory does not require a large investment in laboratory construction, but a relatively clean space is sufficient. The instruments and equipment required for a small DNA detection laboratory are the most basic and necessary, and the quantity is not large.

Here, I have compiled a list of the equipment and reagents needed to build a small-scale avian DNA detection laboratory, along with reference prices.

リアルタイム PCR method to detect the sex identification protocol of parrots, pigeons, and jade birds – SanshiBio ( price for entire system only)
いいえ. Product name モデル Price($) Quantity Remark
1 Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR X4 18286 1 4 channels 、96 井戸
2 Rapid Genomic DNA Extraction Kit forAnimals (PCR分析用) 200T 50 1
3 Gender detection reagent 100T 278 2
4 Mini centrifuge MINI10K+C 214 1
5 Mini mixer MIX-25P 214 1
6 ピペット 10ul 29 1
7 ピペット 100ul 29 1
8 ピペット 1000ul 29 1
9 Pipette tips 10ul 2 1
10 Pipette tips 100ul 2 1
11 Pipette tips 1000ul 3 1
12 0.2ml eight-row tube 0.2ミリリットル 34 1
13 2.0ml centrifuge tubes 500 pcs 6 1
14 Disposable latex gloves 9 1
15 Icebox 0.2ml*96 21 1
16 1.5ml/2.0ml EP tube rack 1 1
17 0.2 ml EP tube rack 96 井戸 5 5
18 Nucleic acid contamination
scavenger NC
500ミリリットル 86 1
19 Scissors 0 Prepare yourself
20 Tweezers 0 Prepare yourself
21 Desktop trash can 0 Prepare yourself
22 Disposable garbage bags 0 Prepare yourself
23 Disinfect alcohol 0 Prepare yourself
24 paper towel 0 Prepare yourself
25 Cryogenic freezer 0 Prepare yourself
Optional Instrument
1 Hot lid metal bath DTC-100H 952
2 Hot lid metal bath DTH-100H 640

As we can see from the list, the most expensive part is the “Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR装置. しかし, if you do not have enough budget and you do not want to test 1000 birds a day, you may choose a smaller qPCR machine that is much cheaper less than 10k USD.

What size of space is needed for laboratory construction?

For avian detection laboratories, a large area is not required for construction. Generally, a maximum of about 30 square meters is sufficient. If the sample size for detection is small, a smaller space can be used.

How many people are needed for avian gender detection?

At least one person is required for avian gender test experiments. Efficiency increases with two people; one can handle sample preparation while the other prepares for the detection process.

What level of cleanliness is required for laboratory construction?

qPCR bird gender and disease test experiments do not have very high cleanliness requirements. Daily cleanliness, minimal dust, and dry conditions are sufficient.

Can qPCR equipment from other brands be used with SanshiBio’s reagents?

はい, other brands of detection equipment can be used as long as they are operated according to the requirements of the detection reagents.

How long does it take to conduct one avian gender detection?

In one avian gender detection, the processing time for one set of samples (96T) is approximately 30 分, while qPCR detection from preparation to result output takes about 40-50 分.

How many avian gender tests can be done in one testing session?

A set of samples can accommodate up to 96 samples, with a general recommendation of 90 samples. Smaller channel devices can typically test around 48 samples.

What other experiments can be conducted in the laboratory besides avian gender detection?

Besides avian gender testing, a complete set of PCR detection equipment allows for various other test experiments using different reagents.

Does SanshiBio offer technical guidance?

はい, the company provides comprehensive laboratory operation training. さらに, they welcome on-site learning in China, which typically takes 2-3 日々. Guidance is also available via direct video communication.

How To Use the Mini Bird DNA Test Lab?

Here is guidance on laboratory equipment and reagent operations, including instructional videos for reference and learning



If you are interested in avian DNA detection or a small-scale laboratory for bird gender testing, please contact us. We will provide more information and answer any related questions.

Martin Wong

The author holds a Ph.D. in Life Sciences from China Agricultural University, is a renowned biological lecturer in China, and is the founder of DTE. Recognized with awards, he actively engages in academia and mentors the next generation of students, achieving success both academically and socially.

Published by
Martin Wong

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