DNase I


送料USD 45 - 米ドル以上は無料 300

High purity bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease I (3000 units/mg), with solution and DNase buffer

DTE は、分子検査のオンライン販売に特化した中国に拠点を置く電子商取引プラットフォームです, エリサ, および関連製品.

  • メーカー: 中国の一流ブランド
  • 配送: 工場から直接FedExで迅速に発送
  • 以内であれば返品または交換が可能です 30 日々
  • お支払い方法: 安全な PayPal またはクレジット カード.



  • Bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease (DNase) is an endonuclease that acts on the phosphodiester bond, particularly those adjacent to pyrimidine nucleosides.
  • It produces polynucleotides with a free hydroxyl group at the 3end and a phosphate group at the 5end.
  • The optimum pH for DNase activity is 7.8.
  • DNase activity is enhanced by divalent metals and inhibited by chelating agents such as EDTA and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS).
  • 5 mM calcium ions can serve as stabilizers, protecting DNase from degradation by hydrolases.
  • This product is extracted from bovine pancreas and purified using chromatography to remove contamination from other hydrolases.


Molecular weight32KDa
Isoelectric point8.9
pH range4.0 – 10.0
特定の活動3000 Kunitz units/mg
保存条件It is recommended to store at -20°C to ensure the stability of activity to the greatest extent (常温で輸送または保管しても酵素活性は低下しません).
解決50mM トリス (pH7.4),10mM CaCl2,50% (v/v) グリセロール
推奨アプリケーションRemove DNA
RNase ResidueNot detection
RNase-Free DNase I PrepareDissolve DNase I at 1 mg/ml in 0.1M iodoacetic acid plus 0.15M sodium acetate at a final pH of 5.3. The solution is then heated 40-60 minutes at 55°C and cooled. Finally, 1M CaCl2 is added to the solution to 5mM. Store frozen in small aliquots.


  • Derived from a bovine pancreas, this protein offers a pure natural source.
  • Demonstrates high activity and purity, boasting over 3000 Kunitz units per milligram.
  • Offers excellent cost-performance ratio, delivering exceptional value for investment.


Dnase I, 凍結乾燥物, >3000 units/mg protein100 mg/Bottle1 g/ボトル


重さ0.75 kg

DNase I 100 mg, DNase I 1 g

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