Migi (猫) Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody (FIV-Ab) Rapid Quantitative Test Kit


送料USD 45 - 米ドル以上は無料 300

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Notice: You need an Immunofluorescence Analyzer to run the tests with this kit

Contact us for the equipment and test kits combo wholesale


10 Test/Box



The FIV-Ab test is a fluorescence immunoassay used for quantitative determination of the concentration of feline immunodeficiency virus antibodies in serum or plasma specimens. The test is an aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of feline immunodeficiency virus infection.

For in vitro diagnostic use only. For professional use only.


  1. This test employs a quantitative double antigen sandwich fluorescence immunoassay technique.
  1. The fluorescent signal intensity reflects the amount of FIV-Ab captured. The concentration is expressed as Tu/ml.


Material ProvidedMaterial Required But Not Provided
Each box contains:
1. 10 individual sealed pouches, each containing:1. Immunofluorescence Analyzer
a Test Device2. Timer
a desiccant pouch3. ピペット
2. One ID Chip4. 遠心
3. 使用説明書
4. 10 cotton swabs
5. 10 tubes of FIV-Ab Sample Buffer
6. 10 Pipette tips


  1. Store the test kit at 4~30℃ up to the expiration date.
  2. The test should operate at 18 ~ 28℃ after the Test Device opening.
  3. Once the pouch is opened, the test should be performed within 30 分.


The test can be performed with serum or plasma.

  1. Separate serum or plasma (EDTA anticoagulant is recommended) from blood within 3 時間 after blood collection. If a specimen appears to be severely hemolyzed, another specimen should be obtained and tested.
  1. Optimally, the test should be performed immediately after the specimen collection. If the test cannot be performed within 3 時間 after blood collection, store the specimen at 2~8℃ for no longer than 72 時間. For long-term storage, specimens shall be kept below -20℃.

Bring all materials to room temperature before use. Frozen specimens must be completely thawed and mixed well prior to testing. Specimens should not be frozen and thawed repeatedly. Only clear, non-hemolyzed specimens can be used.


Refer to the Immunofluorescence Analyzer Operation Manual for complete instructions for use of the Test device.

  1. Set a Test Device on a clean, level horizontal table.
  2. Insert the ID Chip into the meter, and clickRead ID chip”. Make sure that the Test Device lot No. matches with ID Chip No.
  3. ピペット 50 メートルof prepared sample into the FIV-Ab Sample Buffer, and gently mix well. Vigorous agitation and foaming should be avoided.
  4. ピペット 100 メートルof mixed sample to add into the sample of the test device. Avoid forming bubbles.
  5. Test mode: a or b

ある) Standard Test: ClickStandard Test”, insert the Test Device into the device holder of the meter right after adding the sample to the sample well, and clickStart Test”. The meter will start to countdown and read the test result automatically.

b) Quick Test: ClickQuick Test”, and start the timer right after adding the sample mixture to the sample well. Leave the Test Device at room temperature (18 ~ 28) のために 15 分. それから insert the test device immediately into the holder of the meter and clickStart Test”. The instrument will scan the Test Device automatically and show the test result.

  1. Results are displayed on the main screen, print automatically, or be printed by clickingPrint”.


Each FIV-Ab Rapid Quantitative Test contains an internal control for routine quality control requirements. This internal quality control is performed each time a patient sample is tested, If an invalid result from the internal control occurs, the meter will display an error message, indicating that another test should be conducted.


Reference range of FIV-Ab in feline serum or plasma.

  1. Detection range: 4.5 ~ 320 Tu/ml
  2. Reference range:
Item Result (Tu/ml)Suggestion
9Negative (-)
9 – 11Suspected (±)
11 – 20Weak Positive (+)
20 – 100Medium Positive (++)
> 100Strong Positive (+++)

Each laboratory should establish a reference range that is representative of the population to be evaluated.


  1. This kit is for in vitro diagnostic use only.
  2. Inspect the packaging and labels before use. Do not use it if the pouch is broken, torn, or not well sealed, or if the vial looks damaged or leaked.
  3. Do not use the test device beyond the expiration date.
  4. One pipette tip should be used for one specimen only.
  5. There is the possibility that factors such as technical or procedural errors, as well as additional substances in blood specimens that are not listed in the text, may interfere with the test and cause erroneous results.


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