硝酸レダクターゼ (NR) アッセイキット(グリース比色法)


送料USD 45 - 米ドル以上は無料 300

DTE は、分子検査のオンライン販売に特化した中国に拠点を置く電子商取引プラットフォームです, エリサ, および関連製品.

  • メーカー: 中国の一流ブランド
  • 配送: 工場から直接FedExで迅速に発送
  • 以内であれば返品または交換が可能です 30 日々
  • お支払い方法: 安全な PayPal またはクレジット カード.


Product Overview

NR (EC is a widely found enzyme in plants. It plays a crucial role in converting nitrate nitrogen to ammonia nitrogen and is also an inducible enzyme, affecting crop yield and quality. NR catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite: NO3- + NADH+H+ → NO2- + NAD+ + H2O. Under acidic conditions, the produced NO2- can participate in a diazotization reaction to form a magenta-colored compound. This compound has an absorption peak at 540 nm, and the change in absorbance at 540 nm can be used to represent enzyme activity.


  • Inducer Stock Solution: 50 mL× 1 ボトル
  • 抽出液: 30 mL× 1 ボトル
  • 試薬 1: 12 mL× 1 ボトル
  • 試薬 2: パウダー× 2 バイアル
  • 試薬 3: 15 mL× 1 ボトル
  • 試薬 4: 15 mL× 1 ボトル
  • 標準: 1 mL× 1 vial


  1. Inducer Solution: Dilute the inducer stock solution 10-fold with distilled water before use. 取る 10 mL of inducer stock solution and add 90 蒸留水 mL. 十分に混ぜ合わせてください. Prepare fresh before each use.
  2. 試薬 2: 追加 1 蒸留水 mL. Aliquot and store at -20°C. 保管できるのは、 2 weeks at -20°C. ご使用の前に, dilute Reagent Two 50-fold with distilled water. 取る 10 μL of Reagent Two and add 490 蒸留水 μL. よく混ぜます.
  3. 標準: Prepare a 0.1 μmol/mL sodium nitrite standard solution by diluting the 10 μmol/mL sodium nitrite standard solution 100-fold with distilled water before use.


  1. If the absorbance is greater than 0.8, dilute the sample with extraction solution. Pay attention to adjusting the dilution factor accordingly in the calculation formula.
  2. Strictly follow the order of adding reagents listed in the sample assay table for the experiment.

Experimental Procedures

私. サンプル処理

  1. Tissue Pre-treatment:

    • Add an appropriate amount of inducer solution to a beaker. Wash fresh samples, dry them with filter paper, and place them in the inducer solution (enough to submerge). Incubate in the dark for 2 時間. Remove samples, dry them with filter paper, and freeze at -20°C for 30 分. Thaw samples and dry them with filter paper again. (Perform induction treatment as needed. Generally, induction treatment is not required. If the pre-experiment results show no activity, induction treatment is necessary.)
    • Weigh approximately 0.1 g of sample and add 1 mL of extraction solution according to the ratio of tissue weight (g) to extraction solution volume (mL) の 1:5 に 10. Grind in an ice bath, で遠心分離する 8000 g, 4℃ 10 分, and collect the supernatant. Keep the supernatant on ice for testing.
  2. Cell or Bacteria Pre-treatment:

    • Collect cell or bacteria samples in a centrifuge tube and discard the supernatant. 追加 1 mL of extraction solution per 5 数百万の細胞または細菌. Sonicate the bacteria or cells (力 200 W, sonication 3 秒, 間隔 10 秒, 繰り返す 30 回). で遠心分離します。 8000 g, 4℃ 10 分, collect the supernatant and keep it on ice for testing.

Ⅱ. Assay Steps

  1. Preheat the visible spectrophotometer for at least 30 分, 波長を調整して 540 nm, 蒸留水でゼロにする.
  2. Sample Assay:
サンプル100 μL
0.1 μmol/mL Standard Solution100 μL
Distilled Water375 μL475 μL
試薬 1375 μL375 μL
試薬 2125 μL125 μL125 μL125 μL
試薬 3250 μL250 μL250

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